Memories and Tears

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Emma went back to the beautiful moment. She had a burning desire not to be here. She then realized she was not in the body of herself at that time and was an invisible figure watching the happy couple that held hands and watched peacefully.

Was that girl really her? Was she ever that happy? "I love you..." Jake said. "I love you too..." she had said quietly and she mouthed whispered along to what she had said. She should have said it more and she watched as the sky's vibrant colors shifted and the clouds ran through the sky. She leaned into his warm shoulder, his arm hung loosely hung around her and the present Emma stood there. She couldn't do anything, she couldn't change anything. She dropped to her knees and she couldn't even cry because of the dull numbness that washed over her. She watched as she returned to the embrace of her cold room. She headed to where the hourglass stood. 

"You want it? Come and get it you son of a b**tch," Emma screamed. 

"Well then, somebody's angry." the ghost appeared, Jake's limp body over his transparent shoulder. 

Emma gasped at the sight, "Give him back, now!" she had no idea what she was doing, but whenever the hourglass was near, the ghost just couldn't stop grinning with his hollowed out black eyes and rotting teeth. It was either this or nothing. 

"Hmmm. Nah, I'm good, I can't possibly trust you." the ghost pulled strings to make it seem like Jake was talking. 

Emma clamped her mouth shut and threatened to break the hourglass, "If you don't, you can say goodbye to the hourglass."

"Fine! Fine! I'll give the stupid boy back!" the ghost said with mock worry, hiding his fear.

Magically, Jake was back to normal, "But if the hourglass isn't mine, you can say bye-bye baby to your goody goody man candy, now hand it over."  

Just then the ghost recognized the blood running from her hand and the bits of shimmering sand in the glass flying away. The shimmering glitter flew and the ghost shrieked, "HOW DARE YOU!" he started to pixelate and disappear. "YOU WILL PAY, YOU, YOU--" he was cut off and disappeared. 

Jake softly cradled Emma in his arms,"Shhhh. It'll be okay." 

SORRY! I. HAVE. NOT. UPDATED. IN. LITERALLY. FOREVER. SORRY. THIS CHAPTER IS LIKE REALLY SHORT ALSO REALLY SORRY... I have so little reads it's sad... :'( but I guess I just didn't update in a while lmao. This is really bad and  I kind of want this story to end but maybe I'll give it a little more... idk... ANYWAYS ILYGSM... i should come up with a nickname for my readers.... hmmmmm feel free to comment or suggest nicknames. THANKS :) I will update soon... mUAHHHHHHH 

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