Bi**h!(BF)Iv'e Been Called Worse(GF)Like?(BF)Ur Girlfriend(GF)...Part 1

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"Thanks Jake...Love you! Bye!" Emma called as Jake got into his car. "Mwah! Love you more! Bye!" Jake shouted. She waited as the pest control walked out of her house... "Ma'am there was nothing but a house covered entirely of thick dust I'm afraid... Are you sure there were beetles?""YES! I SWEAR!" she screamed, "They were crawling around and, and, and...." she couldn't finish and she just busted her door open. "SEE!" she screamed! "They're right there!" She pondered why they could not see the beetles... "Ma'am are you okay?" They asked "You must be hallucinating! We should call an ambulance right away, We-" "No, that's okay." she snapped and when she went inside her house, miraculously, the beetles were gone. She lied down on her couch and drifted... off... to... sleep.

Emma awoke to the sound of her chirpy text message alert. It was a strange number. "How odd..." she remarked. She declined the call and lay her head in her arms and her arms unto the sofa. Then with another small chirp a voicemail was left. She carefully picked up her phone and listened. "... sstttts coossss come to the Ruby Cafe tomorrow, June 6th at 6:00 p.m. or else, your boyfriend gets it! shhsss No one will here of this except you me. Don't show up and you can say goodbye to your boyfriend... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" Emma suddenly dropped her phone in surprise and screamed. She called 911 but there was just static and a voice echoing "stop" over and over in that same voice. Emma called Jake but nobody answered. Emma cried and cried, she would have no choice but to go meet the troll.

The next evening, Emma carefully made her way to the cafe. She was so scared, something wasn't right. She felt the presence... of a... ghost.  She took deep breaths and entered the cafe. The cafe was barely full, in fact it was nearly empty, except the ghost... and Jake. Emma approached the ghost and asked, "What do you want from me?" The ghost just smiled and said nothing. Jake had no response either. He just hung his head and had no movement whatsoever, his skin was pale and he looked as good as dead. "What have you done to him!?" She screamed in despair. "Oh not much, if you obey me well, there just might be a chance that he could live..." He grinned. 

SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRRRRRYYYYYYYYY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN FOREVER (literally)!!!! Shoutouts to @thegardenofroses, @potterhead45 u all know i call potterhead by either of 2 names but whatevs i will just use potterhead from now on (?) ... 😂 😝 and Dam_Snackbar_666....... SO JEALOUS OF HIM! SOOOOO sorry if I spelled ur name wrong.....will try to fix next time, so sorry again... but thank u all again for giving this little newbie writer so much joy for OVER 200 VIEWS... UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! Since u ppl r so supportive I may do something special for u all.... nothing big but.... 😏😶😋just u keep waiting .... will try to make next post the surprise... :) :P B-) oh and i am still having trouble with the at sign for shoutouts so I apologize for that... thx again! Please follow for a shoutout, comment, vote, and other stuff... Will be doing something new... 😏😉✌🙈 Love you all~ 😁❤ byeeee

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