This is as Bad as it Gets...

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Before I start... Thanks for over a 100 VIEWS ALREADY... LIKE SO MUCH! I am writing this here because I do not want to make a separate authors note just to say this... NOW Back to the STORY AND MAIN EVENT.

Emma was nervous at home she was talking to Jake and she was nervous that she would spill her secret. ¨So...?¨ Emma started casually. "So what?" Jake answered, smiling. She nervously spit out "Do you... want to do something?" "Um sure, what do you want to do?" he replied pleasantly. Emma faked a smile and said "Do you want to go catch a movie?" She was sick to the stomach for keeping such an amazing  secret from somebody she cared about more than anything. Then she imagined slapping herself for being so corny and grinned. She was so anxious to let the words just spill out of her mouth like a tight ring off a finger when butter or something slippery was applied. She got up and awkwardly said "Well then... let's get ready, right?" He smiled casually and got up. Emma wanted to throw up for being such a bad, dumb- ass girlfriend. She went outside and opened her car's door. She was scared that something bad would eventually happen in the future and she would break up with Jake and she would live all alone in her creepy old house and she would die all alone and nobody would come to her FUNERAL! She panicked but did not show it. She hopped into the car and let Jake drive. It was her summer break and she thought she might as well enjoy it and make the most of it with what she had left. 

The two decided to watch the Walking Dead to watch. They brought a large portion of popcorn and entered the movie theater. The movie was really good but Emma kept seeing one of the zombies as herself. She freaked out and told Jake she would be right back. She left the theater and entered the bathroom... "Oh god this was a bad idea..." she murmured. "What was hon?" a strange version of her in the mirror talked to her. "AHHHHHHHHH!" Emma screamed and literally jumped out of the bathroom. She ran to the theater and sat next to Jake. She hugged him and he smiled, surprised. She was glad that someone was by her side. Now that she thought about it, Jake was the only one who had stuck by her side no matter what, like paper and glue they were inseparable.  She grinned and tried to enjoy the rest of the movie which was incredibly hard considering the fact that the room was barely warm thanks, to the air conditioner, and she was pretty much sweating as if she were going to jump into a volcano or such... She smiled nervously and then looked at Jake. "So, how was the movie? Wasn't it really good?" he asked. "Yeah! It seemed really realistic... You want to go get some ice-cream, I'll pay... Actually first one in the store has to pay!" she screamed and ran to the store. She needed time to think. She felt like she was only talking to Jake because he was the only one who was by her side. She ran to the nearest clock and thought for a second about the ghost... for a second. "Oh no!" Emma groaned aloud. She was moving again, into the place with the ghost. She stared at the ghost once again and wanted to scream as she saw the ghosts' morbid and hideous face. She silently searched for a watch or clock and remembered that she had no watch on and that she was in the middle of nowhere. Scared and panicked, Emma watched as the ghost passed by and she silently crept, well as quietly as she could to the other side of the forest when crunch! a twig snapped under her foot. She bit her lip and turned carefully. The ghost turned along with her and she stared again into the pale, empty face. She started to run but tripped. "Could this get any worse?"Emma wondered. The ghost came closer and closer as Emma got back up the ghost was just about to catch up to her as she ran out of its' grasp and into a haunted looking village. She gawked at how grey and dark and gloomy the city was as she ran closer to it. She searched and searched but could not find anything.

"Old doll, corn husks, eww... rotten cabbage, ARGH THEY HAVE EVERYTHING EXCEPT FOR A STUPID DAMN WATCH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and she ran in a random direction. Then just as she passed by a dust covered shop she squealed when she saw a clock that was barely working at all. She stared at it and her mind was flooded with thoughts of Home, Sweet, Home. She smiled at the thought and grinned cheerfully... FINALLY!

When she came back there was a weird ringing in her head. She wobbled for a second then fixed herself up and sat down on her couch. Suddenly she felt really, really sick. "Not AGAIN!" she thought aloud. She was SOOOOOOO SICK of getting SICK! Then she ran to the bathroom as her face turned red. BLECH! She spit out a big, disgusting pile of fresh barf. As she was about to head out she felt it again. She ran to the toilet and spit the disgusting thing out of her mouth. She quickly cooked herself some chicken noodle soup and carried it to the couch. She bundled up in a blanket and sucked on a popsicle as she waited for the chicken broth to simmer. She sighed and wondered what her future lied. Then when she heard the toot of the pot on the stove she carefully walked over as soon as she got herself out of the tight blanket around her. Almost TOO tight...She thought. How odd... must have been tighter around her than she thought. Then she nearly fainted at the sight of thousands and thousands of scarab beetles in the pot. She screamed and headed out of house. She grabbed the keys of her house and was out faster than imaginable. She called animal/pest control as well as Jake. She was having a mental break down at this point. What had she done to deserve this! Wasn't the world already punishing her enough? She told Jake to get over A.S.A.P through text and he said he would be right there. She told him to bring food and some extra clothes but had a weird feeling he would not bring it... how odd...

Emma ran to Jake when he arrived. "Hey babe!" he cried with that playful and cute grin of his. "There you are... I missed you." Emma replied playfully. "Oh, goodness! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU SHOULD I CALL 911?" "Goodness no!" She said with a horror stricken look, "Hey!" he grinned again and he hugged her tight. "Oh wow! How have you been surviving?" This time Emma had a feeling he wan't joking. "Oh let's see I randomly through up, a banket almost strangled me, and then a bunch of beetles come CRAWLING OUT OF MY SOUP! What else, really need a cherry on top of this PERFECT DAY!" She blurted with a sarcastic tone and a pout on her face. She relaxed as he put his hands on her. She smiled then hugged Jake tight. She smiled and finally felt like she could breath again... at least for now...

Thank all of you guys so much for being very patient... I am very busy with lots of things these days hope you enjoyed this piece and I really love you guys... Hoping to be updating soon and I have some ideas(hehehehe-evil laugh). Anyways shoutouts: THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES THAT MANY H'S to potterhead45 and this time Dam_Snackbar_666 as well! :) THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH AGAIN AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! PLEASE GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS & QUESTIONS and more! Please comment vote and follow! :) U know the whole IG and wattpad following routine ;) PLEASE SUGGESTIONS AND AGAIN ... BRAND NEW Q&A Session!!!!!!!!

Mwah~ love you all and stay tuned for next time! :) 

😁 😘😎 ✌👍👌 PEACE! :)<3

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