A Child To Remember

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Dustin's POV

~ Dream ~

The room had gone black, slowly I emerged from a bed. No one was in sight, I walked down a long hall and searched all around for a sign of life. Each room empty, and no sign of anyone being here in years...

"Six?" I called. No answer, "Six?" I called again. Still, the room remained silent. Suddenly I had an apprehensive feeling in my stomach, the long corridor was white, and had tile on the walls. I knew this place... Not from personal experience, but I felt like I'd been here many times before.

"Dustin..." A voice whispered, I turned around and saw a shadow walk around the corner. I approached the darkness. As I walked closer the temperature dropped, and I felt every piece of hair on my body stand straight up.

My feet had gone numb, I looked down to find I was barefoot, and in a blood-covered hospital gown. I realized where I was... Hawkins lab. All of the sudden, I heard the faint cries of an infant. I hastily ran toward the sound, soon enough I found a room, empty and abandoned. It had hospital beds and IV machines.

My vision flickered, I wasn't alone anymore. Inside the room was a teenager on the bed, crying out in pain. She was in the middle of childbirth.

"She's having complications!" A man yelled. My eyes darted across the room to the man, it was an older man, he had white hair and was in a doctors uniform. The girl screamed out in agony. "Shh, it's okay Natasha... The baby will be just fine." He said trying to calm her. "Nurse!" He cried, inside ran young women.

"Yes, doctor?"

"Get me my tools and some anesthetic. We are going to have to give her a C-section." The nurse grabbed a needle and injected the girl, leaving her completely numb.

The doctor pulled out a scalpel and began to cut open the young girls stomach. I shut my eyes and hid from the terror when I opened my eyes the doctor had a baby in hand... "It's a girl." He whispered placing the child in the mother's arms. The mother began to sob at the sight of her newborn. She cupped her hand around the head of her child and smiled slightly.

"My little Y/n..." She whispered. My eyes widened. That was Y/n's mother, she was in the lab and she couldn't have been any older than seventeen.

"She's beautiful Natasha, but your time is up." The doctor said.

"No. I change my mind." She said shaking her head. "You can't have her!"

"Nurse..." The doctor said, gesturing to the child. The nurse approached them.

"Come here baby girl..." The nurse cooed as she took the child out of the mother's hands.

"No." She muttered watching the nurse exited the room. "Dr. Brenner, please." He said nothing. "No!" She said raising her voice. "NO! NO! GIVE HER BACK!" She screamed. Brenner grabbed a needle and injected Natasha's IV.

"This will help you calm down..." He smiled.

"NO! GIVE HER BACK, YOU BASTARD!" Her arm extended out, she reached in the direction of her baby. "I WILL FIND YOU BABY GIRL! I PROMISE! MAMA WILL FIND YOU!" Her ability to fight was becoming more faint. She was beginning blackout.

Her eyes shut... As Natasha fell into her sleep, the image faded away and the lab had returned to its abandoned scenery. A tear had fallen from my eye hitting my hand. I hadn't even realized I had started to cry.

"Dustin..." The voice whispered again. I looked up and watched the shadow draw me farther down the hall, I quickly picked up the pace. I had begun to sprint down the hallway, as I ran I found another room that had a single mattress and nothing else.

As I walked a new image had begun to flicker in my mind. On the mattress sat a young girl, she looked like she was around Mike's baby sisters age. I watched the doctor who took Y/n away enter the door.

"Good afternoon, Six." He said sitting next to her. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Papa!" She squealed.

"Yes Six, it's Papa..." He said as he pulled away, "We have something exciting to do today." He smiled. Y/n waited with anticipation, "We're going to put your numbers on." The smiled on her face disappeared. She shook her head 'no' and looked away. "What's wrong?" He asked with a worried look.

"The other little girl said it hurts..." She mumbled.

"Eleven said that?" He asked wrapping his arm around her, she nodded. "It only hurts a little Six, I promise. It'll be over before you know it."

"Promise?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded his head and took her hand. After a few moments, a man came in with a fold-out table, a machine, and a needle. He quickly set up and sat down.

"Left hand." He said through a mask. Hesitantly Six put her arm on the table in front of her. He began to disinfect her arm with a swab, "Patient information?"

"Her number is '006', and she is three," Brenner said.

"Don't move at all." The masked man demanded. She nodded. The man turns on the machine and grabbed the needle. He began to tattoo the numbers on her arm.

"Papa!" She cried. "It hurts!" He said nothing, he just watched the process. Tears fell down her face, and she whined.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n..." I muttered. All her life Y/n was an experiment for these people. Nothing more than another brain for them to pry open. Just like before the image wafted away...

"Dustin!" The voice had become more violent, the walls began to shake and crumble to the ground. "DUSTIN!" It called again. All of the sudden my vision went black.

~ End Of Dream ~

I slowly opened my eyes to find Y/n shaking me awake.

"Six?" I huffed trying to speak, my throat had become completely dry and sore.

"Dustin, you have a high fever! Joyce is afraid you might have punctured something, we are taking you to the hospital." Her voice faded in and out, as did my eyesight. Suddenly I felt someone pick me up, from what I could see it was Jonathan. He was running down the hall.

"Dustin!" I heard someone call my name. I turned my head and saw Y/n running toward us.

"Six..." I mumbled, "Six." I said reaching out to her. She quickly caught up and took a hold of my hand. 

Your POV 

Jonathan and I ran Dustin to Joyce's car and set him in the back seat placing his body on the guy's laps. I sat down and put his head in my own lap. We all piled into the car. Joyce then sped down the dirt road.

"How's he doing?" She called.

"He's still fading!" I yelled. I knelt my head next to Dustin's ear. "You're gonna be okay," I whispered over and over. "I love you, Dustin, just hold on..." 

A/N: Hey, everyone. I hope you liked this chapter, I'm going to try and crank out another chapter before I head to bed. Anyway thank you all who've read, and I'd like to mention Moonpiekitty who is wonderful, and also writes about Stranger Things so, please check it out!! I love you all. <3 

Dustin Henderson X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now