I Told You

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Dustin's POV

I stared at the woman with wide eyes. She was so mesmerizing, she looked exactly like Y/n. It was amazing, from her h/c hair to her e/c eyes. She wasn't at all how I pictured her, but in all truth, I had only seen her as a teenager. It was so bizarre seeing someone... Who looked exactly like someone you loved so much, but was different in every way.

"Y-Y/n?" I stumbled. She let go of Natasha's hand and approached my bedside then climbed in with me.

"I told you I'd be back..." She smirked.

"I was so scared I'd lose you forever," I said pulling her in for a hug. She tightly wrapped her arms around my neck, I did the same around her sides and held her as close as I could. After a few moments, she began to huff.

"D-Dustin?" She struggled.

"Hm?" I said completely oblivious.

"I-I can't b-breath..." She laughed.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed pulling away, "Are you alright?" She giggled and nodded.

"Dustin?" A voice whispered I looked around. It was Natasha, she slowly walked toward me. She seemed slightly perturbed.

"Natasha?" I returned, she was taken aback. I don't think Six told her the things I'd seen. She pushed that aside and grabbed my hand.

"You saved my daughter..." She said softly, "You protected her when I couldn't."

"In all fairness," I said cutting her off, "I think she's saved me, much more than I saved her" I laughed. Natasha smiled slightly. "I love your daughter, I will always protect her," I concluded. Natasha's face lit up and she pulled me and Six in a hug.

Slowly everyone else in the room gathered together; including Hopper, we all held each other in a warm group hug. After everyone had separated, Hopper took Natasha to get some food from the cafeteria and being Mike and Will, they followed after them. It was just Six and I. 

Your POV

We were all alone. I was still sitting on the bed with Dustin, my head on his shoulder and his arm around my waist. But I had one thing on my mind...

"Did you really mean it?" I mumbled.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"Do you really love me?" I said looking up at him.

"Six, of course. I love you... With all my heart. You're so amazing and special. You're like... Like. Moonstar from X-men! You have like almost all the same powers as her! And that's mental, do you know how cool it is having a girlfriend who's like one of the X-men!?"

"Girl... Friend?" I said completely lost.

"Oh... Um, do you know what a girlfriend is?" He said nervously. I shook my head 'no' and awaited his explanation. "Uh, it's when you have a friend who's a girl, but you want to be with her all the time. You can do special stuff together."

"Like what?" I replied.

"Like, you can go on dates."

"Dates?" I asked unsurely, I was still so confused.

"Yeah, that's when you take your girlfriend or boyfriend out. It's just the two of you and... You hang out or you go somewhere and be with each other."

"Is this a date?"

"No." He laughed.

"Why no?"

"Because people don't usually go on dates in the hospital." He said still laughing.

"Oh... What else can you do?"

"Well, you can kiss them and hug them and no one else can do that with them because you belong to each other... Usually, you ask them to be with you. Then you become a couple." I thought long and hard, Dustin had never asked me to be his girlfriend. Did he not want to belong to me?

"Are we a couple?" I mumbled.

"Um..." Dustin began to breath heavy and the heart monitor had begun to beep faster. He looked nervous. "Will you be my girlfriend, Six?" He said shaken. My face lit up and my heart began to flutter. I was so happy. I couldn't even speak, I just shook my head excitedly in agreement.

I felt the blood in my cheeks rush to the surface, letting me know that I was now a bright pink. Dustin began to lean in and as did I; I felt the warm press of his lips on my own. At first, I didn't kiss back, remembering my earlier encounter with Troy, but I began to melt into it. The kiss was soft, and simple in the beginning but as it went on it became more and more intense. I faced my body more toward Dustin and he adjusted his hands, placing them both on my waist.

I began to smile and he did also, I felt his toothless smile on my lips. Slowly I felt him slip his tongue past my bottom lip, my eyes widened. I was taken by surprise, quickly I shut my eyes again and tried to continue without giggling. I moved my hands up his neck and ran my fingers through his tangled, curly, brown hair. As we continued my breathing became much heavier, as did Dustin's. It was so perfect, I felt like we were the only two people in the world... Until.

"Hey kids, they hav-" Hopper said walking through the door. Quickly Dustin and I pulled away, oh no... I felt my cheeks begin to burn. I quickly glanced at Dustin then back at Hopper. He said nothing, he just sat there grinning. "Twice in one day Y/n?" He laughed.

"What?" Dustin said looking at me.

"Nothing." I blurted.

A/N: Hello my beautiful people! So uh, this chapter got a little well... Ya know. Lol, a lot of people kept DMing me and saying they wanted it to get a little spicier, so. I thought, give the people what they want. Lmao, but I really hope you liked this chapter. I love you all, and I hope you have a good day/night. ❤

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