Hoi, nice to meet you!

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Okay, so I'm going to take requests for the hamilsquad(and TJEFF's group) and the hamilcast. I'm going to put a list of prompts/ideas. If you want a certain prompt/idea for a certain person comment the number with the person's name. Also there will most likely be cussing. Just saying.

I will mark the ones that have been done, but feel free to request them again!

1. "You have got to be shitting me."
2. "Why did you have to be a smart person?!"
3. "Why in the hell are you drinking at this hour?!"
4. "Awesome......Wow........"
5. "Take a break dammit!"
6. "Shit, I'm sorry."
7. "Why are you being so nice to someone like me?"
8. "Dueling is stupid."
9. "Does Jefferson know?"
10. "Damn, I'd tap that!"
11. "Why is school so boring?"
12. "Je t'aime...."
13. "How did you manage to be this stupid?"
14. "Your hair is so soft!"
15. "Is that even a sport?"
16. "What are you writing about?"
17. "Why do you always stay up so late?"
18. "That's a stupid rule."
19. "How are you so pretty?"
20. "What the in the hell are you wearing?!"
21. "How long are we going to be here?"
22. "This is why I love you."
23. "Stop running so fast!"
24. "Can we keep it?"
25. "Why is that 'thing' in my room?"
26. "You are so adorable!"
27. "I'm dying of blood loss..."
28. "We can't tell my brother!"
29. "It's not on the lines!"
30. Why do you always have to gang up on me?"
31. "How is your hair better than mine?"
32. "You wanna go!?"
33. "What are you even saying?"
34. "Do that again."
35. "Hold me back!"
36. "How are you so tall?"
37. "Sharpen my pencil!"
38. "Why are you so serious all the time?"
39. "Nothing's more contagious than laughter!"
40. "Fuck, these are my only clothes!"
41. "Are those my clothes?"
42. "Don't touch that!"
43. "Not in that drawer!"
44. "We ate that yesterday!"
45. "My life is ruined..."
46. "Kill me now."
47. "Don't just stand there!"
48. "Help me up asshole!"
49. "Just kiss me already!"
50. "I didn't want you to say good bye."
51. "I'll show you..."
52. "Can you even talk? You're always so quiet."
53. "Who are you?"
54. "I'll show you where my shoe fits!"
55. "Don't tell me to shut up!"
56. "Don't you dare touch me!"
57. "I can't see anything..."
58. "What do you mean you're from the 19th century?"
59. "I can't believe I did that..."
60. "Could you kindly get the fuck away from me for a moment?"
61. "What in the hell did you write that for?"
62. "Can you not touch me there please?"
63. "Women have rights too!"
64. "I'm a dead girl walking!"
65. "This is seriously the best play I've ever seen!"
66. "Don't you know how to clean?"
67. "What's an anime?"
68. "There is so much to teach you."
69. "Why so flirty all of a sudden?"
70. "Why that song and why right now?"
71. "What kind of snack is that?
72. "Put a shirt on!"
73. "I would bear your children if only you'd let me!"
74. "Are you gonna help me with this or what?"
75. "Pick up all this garbage!"
76. "Is that the best you can do?"
77. "Why are you not wearing any pants!?"
78. "Can you please shut the hell up?!"
79. "We always eat that!"
80. "Happy birthday! Wait it was last week? Happy late birthday!"
81. "Now is the time to stand!"
82. "Why are we debating about this when I'm obviously right?" 83. "There's basically nothing in the fridge..."
84. "You're nothing without ____ behind you..."
85. "I'm cracking under all this stress!"
86. "_____, my first friend. My Enemy."
87. "What is that red stuff on your hands?"
88. "The emperor has no clothes..."
89. "I want to give you word of warning."
90. "I don't know what you heard, but whatever it is ___ started it!" 91. "You can finally speak your mind!"
92. "Don't you dare throw that snowba-OKAY that's it!"
93. "Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree."
94. "One last time..."
95. "I may have committed many errors..."
96. "The ever favorite object of my heart."
97. "I'm going home!"
98. "Say goodbye..."
99. "What the hell does P.F.U.D.O.R. stand for?"
100. "He's just a friend!"
101. "I wasn't aware that was something a person could do..."
102. "I know him!"
103. "They all look small..."
104. "President ____. Yeah right, like that will happen!"
105. "What is this?!"
106. "You don't even know what you're asking me to confess!"
107. "Unless......"
108. "Um.....Yes?"
109. "At least my papers are orderly!"
110. "Rumors only grow..."
111. "Why is it so quiet?"
112. "I wrote ____ love letters until they fell."
113. "I can't seem to die."
114. "Wait for it!"
115. "That's one less thing to worry about!"
116. "I'm not here for you!"
117. "God, I hope you're satisfied!"
118. "Have you read this?"
119. "Be careful with that one love..."
120. "You brought this girl into our bed!"
121. "You'll catch flies."
122. "Leave me alone!"
123. "Go away!"
124. "Excuse me!"
125. "Service the cutomers!"
126. "I'm about to pee on myself! Stop!"
127. "What in the heck kinda app is that?!"
128. "Is that velvet?"
129. "Does your hair smell good?"
130. "Just blowing off some steam."
131. "I touched the butt..."
132. "What the hell is a weenis?!"
133. "I'm ready, let's go!"
134. "There's too much snow!"
135. "Let's build a lego house!"

You can also give me your own prompt as long as it's only a one sentence prompt. Please request I am really bad at coming up with ideas!

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