Does Jefferson know? - Lafayette

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Prompt #9 - "Does Jefferson know?"
Time - Hamiltime
Triggers - Google translate, mention of sex and, an overprotective Thomas

  I sit on the sofa in the parlor as I wait for Lafayette to return home. I read through the letter I received from the doctor over and over again. I can't help but look at a single word as I skim over it a final time. 'Pregnant' I think to myself as I stand up to get a glass of water. "What will Laf think of me when I tell him?" I say aloud grabbing a glass out of the cabinet. "Tell me what?" I hear and turn quickly to see Lafayette standing in the doorway to the kitchen. "It's nothing you need to know about right now." I say and turn back around to continue fixing a glass of water. "Is it about this paper that I found on the sofa in the parlor?" he asks and I freeze in my place, "Did you read it?" I ask worried that he read it and was mad.

"No it was addressed to you and I respect your privacy, unless you wanted me to read it." he says and I sigh in relief. I walk over to him and take the letter from his hands and walk back into the parlor with my water and the letter. I take a sip of water as I sit on the sofa then set the glass down on the coffee table in front of me. I pat the space on the sofa next to me as Lafayette walks into the room with a glass of water of his own. He sits next to me and I huff in frustration. I want to tell him, I know he'll be fine with me being pregnant but the real problem is my brother. Thomas Jefferson, he will flip if he finds out Lafayette and I had sex. He hates that I want to court anyone at all, he is however fine with the fact that my courter is Lafayette. That said he will still be very protective of me and end up living with us until the baby is born. I shake my head to myself and Lafayette puts his hand on my forehead. "What are you doing, love?" I ask and he looks confused. "I asked you if you were feeling well and you shook your head so I was checking for a temperature, but you don't feel hot. Well, hotter than normal." he says and winks at me, I roll my eyes and smile at him taking in a deep breath.

"Laf, I have something I need to tell you..." I say and cringe at how nervous I must look. "What do you need to tell me mon amour?" he asks and I sigh handing him the letter. "Instead of telling you I'm going to let you read it for yourself." I say as he takes the letter from my hands slowly. I pick up my water and take a large gulp of water as I see his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen. "Y-you're p-pregn-nant?" he asks stuttering and I nod my head slowly. "I don't know what to say..."he says pausing then he asked me a question I dreaded answering, "Does Jefferson know?" I shake my head quickly and he frowns shaking his head lightly. "You need to tell him, he is ton frère." he tells me and I sigh because I already know this. "I know mon cher. I'm dreading telling him, je ne veux pas le faire" I say and he nods his head "Je comprends, but you must. He'll find out on his own when he comes to visit." Laf says and I put my head on his shoulder.

I huff and stand up and walk to the door before saying, "I'm going to see Thomas, would you like to come with me?" he nods and gets up and follows me out the door and to Thomas' house which is a few blocks down from ours. We get to the door and I knock with my free hand(the other is holding the letter). Sally answers and I smile at her, "I'm here to see Thomas. Is he home Sally?" I ask her and she smiles at me telling us he's in his office. "Thank you Sally. I'll walk up and see him." I say and lead Lafayette to Thomas' office door. We stand there for a moment, then I knock and he doesn't answer right away. "Sally I can't talk right now I have to keep working on my plan to destroy Hamilton's career." he says through the door and I barge in not caring about his privacy anymore.

"No you don't!" I yell and he turns around and sees both me and Lafayette. "I'm sorry you weren't meant to hear that." he says and turns back around to continue working. "Look at me Thomas! I have something important to tell you!" I yell at him and he stands up walking over to me and Lafayette. Both of them tower over me and tell both of them to sit down. "Thomas I have some news that may be either good or bad for you!" I say and he rolls his eyes. "Okay I know you didn't just do that but I'll continue anyway. I was dreading telling you this for a reason. Thomas.... I-i'm p-pregn-nant....." I say and he stares at me with his mouth open. "Who's is it?" he asks and I sigh at how obvious the answer is. "Thomas are you dense? It's Lafayette's, you idiot." I say and he turns to look at Lafayette. "You..." he looks at me then back to Lafayette, "And.... My baby sister....... had..... you know what?" he asks and I put my head in my hands.

"Yes! Yes, Thomas we had sex!" I yell at him and he stands and walks over to me. He hugs me tightly then picks me up. "Thomas, I swear to the Lord! Put me down!" I yell and flail trying to get down but he just holds me tighter. "My baby sister is all grown up!" he says and spins in circles with me still in his arms. "Thomas, remember I'm pregnant. I get nauseous easily." I say and he quickly stops which makes it worse. He sets me down gently and walks over to Lafayette. He whispers something to Lafayette. Laf shakes his head quickly after that and I laugh at Thomas. "Are you trying to scare my husband Thomas?" I ask and he takes my hands in his and kisses them. "I'm just making sure you'll be alright living with 'him'" he says motioning to Lafayette. "I'll be fine Thomas. Now let's have some celebratory mac 'n cheese!" I say and he runs downstairs. Me and Lafayette slowly walk down to the dining room and see three heaping bowls of mac 'n cheese at the table. "You already had some made?" I ask him and he nods. "You know me, I'm surprised that you're surprised." he says and we all laugh.

- (A/n) -

So this one is really fricking long and I'm sorry if you don't like long x reader stories. I really like this one even though it probably terrible because of how early in the morning I wrote this. I hope you enjoyed reading this! ^-^ Have a great day!


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