He's just a friend! - Jefferson

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Platonic!Jefferson x Platonic!Reader
Prompt #100 - "He's just a friend!"
Time - Modern
AU - College
Triggers - Swearing, mentions of Lams, A little bit of(please don't murder me) Jamilton
(A/n) - This was requested by PastelDreamzzz and I decided to make it two parts because I want to set this up for all of you! So, if you don't know what platonic means it means to love someone or something in a nonsexual way. I was also gonna start this differently but it turned out really shitty, so it's gonna be like this. Also, this whole part is made up of flashbacks so it will all be in italics except the skips. ~Bye~

  -Our friendship started all the way back in high school with a relationship based off of hatred-

  "Thomas needs to shut the fucking hell up about how 'great' his family is!" My best friend, Alexander, ranted as we walked through the halls to meet up with our other friends. Oh, and Alex's 'boyfriend', John Laurens, although they aren't dating yet(not openly anyway!) "Stay away form him, okay?" Alex asked me and I nodded even though that was an impossible request seeing as I have most of my classes with Thomas.

  -The next day-

  I walked out of the classroom after asking the teacher if I could use the restroom. As I headed to the restroom I saw Thomas 'talking' with someone. I tried to take a look at who the other person is so I could tell Alex about it. I audibly gasped when I saw who it was. It was the very person who told me to stay away from Thomas, Alexander. 

-The first day of the first year of college-

  I walked into the history classroom and sat beside a man in a magenta blazer. I looked over at him then I looked back to my open notebook to write the date at the top of the first page. Then, I realized that I don't know the date so I tapped the man in magenta's shoulder and said, "Excuse me..." I swear when he looked at me I died because of how gorgeous he looked. "U-um, what is today's date?" I asked him and he looked at his planner then back to me, "It's August fifteenth." He replied then looked back to his friend resuming the conversation they were having before I interrupted.

   -At the end of the class-

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked in the direction that it came from, "Um....Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked me and I studied his face for a moment before we spoke simultaneously. "(Y/n)!" "Thomas!"

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