Put a shirt on! - Lafayette

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Lafayette x Reader
Prompt #72 - "Put a shirt on!"
Time - Modern
Triggers - Someone being shirtless, Blushing Laf, Cute AF nickname, Mentions of *wink, wink. nudge, nudge.*
(A/n) - So this is the second of the three chapters for TacoUnicorn21. I hope everyone enjoys it even though is super short. I wrote this during school so I was looking around every five seconds to see if anyone was looking at my chromebook(I probably looked crazy!).

I walk into my room to change from pajamas to regular clothes. I've just finished putting on a pair of jeans and a sports bra when I hear the doorbell ring. I walk to the door forgetting that I don't have on a shirt. I open the door to my favorite fighting frenchman at the door. I swear his eyes were the size of the moon when he saw me standing there. "What's the problem Laffy Taffy?" I ask and he looks down a bit then back to my face. His face turns bright red and he looks away.

I invite him in and he quickly sits on the couch. I look at him for a moment then look down to see what Laf was looking at only a moment ago. I look at myself and remember that I hadn't had time to put a shirt on over my bra. I stare at myself and think for a moment. 'I really like Laf and he just saw me without a shirt on!' It's seems as if he can read my thoughts because not a moment after I think this he says, "Put a shirt on!" "But it's just you and me here Laf, what does it matter?" I say looking at the back of his head with a smirk. "It matters! Je veux être capable de me contrôler!" I hear as I walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I walk back into the small livingroom and sit beside Laf on the couch.

"I don't speak french doofus. Tell me in english." I say and he looks away from me. "I can't mon amour." He tells me, though I only understand bits and pieces of french so I understood him this time. He calls me that all the time not knowing that I know what it means. I've started taking french classes online to help me understand what he says all the time. "je t'apprécie vraiment..." I say and he looks at me in awe. "mon amour, I thought you didn't speak french!" He says after the long period of silence(a message from the king!). "I can only speak and understand a little of it, like mon amour..." I look at him and he just smiles. "Je t'aime (Y/n)." he says and grabs my arms pulling me into a kiss.

It escalates pretty quickly from there!

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