He's Just a Friend! - Jefferson Part 2

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Platonic!Jefferson x Platonic!Reader
Prompt #100 - "He's just a friend!"
Time - Modern
AU - College
Triggers - Cute as fuck beginning, funny shit, Sort of a Laf x Reader, Argument, Sad shit, cute as fuck ending, swearing(lol)

(A/n) - So the ending is cute but, I don't think its what you wanted PastelDreamzzz. It took forever to get the second part done but, I think it turned out really good! A lot of my friends say that I'm good at writing and I just tell them 'Thank you but it's actually really shitty.' Also, before I forget to say this I'm working on a new, separate story and I can't wait to post the first chapter(It's Hamilton related!).   ~Enjoy~Mrs_Jefferson_Out~

-@ The On Campus Coffee Shop(3 years later)-

  Thomas puts a chocolate strawberry in my mouth and I return the favor by putting one in his mouth. "Mon amour, maybe people don't think we're together because you two do things like this." my boyfriend, Lafayette, says taking a swig of his latte. I look at Laf smiling and blushing, "We're just friends!" I say sort of loudly and Laf just looks from me to Thomas. 

-Three Days Later-

  Thomas and I are in my small apartment that I share with (F/n). Thomas sits on the couch like any normal person and I lay my legs across his lap putting my head on a pillow on the other side of the couch. I grab the remote of the coffee table and change it to (F/s). After watching (F/s) for some time Thomas and I change the way we're sitting. Thomas lays spread out on the tiny couch and I lay on him with my head on his chest. "Get a roo-Oh sorry Thomas, you and Laf look really alike. Plus when you're sitting like that you look like a couple." (F/n) says disappearing into the kitchen. 

-The Next Day-

   Laf and I are holding hands and walking through Central Park when James(Madison) walks up behind us, "Hey T-tom-Oh sorry Laf I thought you were Thomas for a moment. I saw the back of (Y/n)'s head and assumed that she was with Thomas. Sorry again." James walks away leaving me and a silently fuming Laf behind. 

-A Week Later-

  Both Laf and Thomas walk into my apartment yelling at each other then at me. "You need to stop hanging around him!" they both say pointing at each other. "Slow down guys... What happened?" I ask them and as soon as I ask them this I realize that I've made a huge mistake. They start to yell again and I cover my ears until I get an idea. "SHUT UP!" I yell and grab them both both by their shirts and pull them to the couch.   I push them both onto the couch and sit on the coffee table, crossing my arms in the process. "Now... Laf tell me what happened." I say calmly then Thomas starts to talk out of place, "You're only letting him go first because he's your boyfriend!" I glare at him and gesture for him to shut up and tell Laf to continue. "Well, first of all friends with him!" he says and I try not to punch Laf in the face, "Also, every time I go anywhere with you I get mistaken for him! It's just frustrating that I don't get as much love from you as Thomas does..." "Laf.....I'm sorry you feel that way..." I say then look to Thomas and he has his mouth open and is staring at Laf. "Now...Thomas, tell me what's wrong." I say softly and place a hand on each of their knees. "I.........I s-should g-go...." Thomas says and gets up walking out the door. 

-Graduation Day-

  Laf and I decided it would be better if we were just friends, but Thomas hasn't talked to me since he walked out of my apartment that day. I'm super worried about him and I tried to talk to James about it but he wouldn't tell me anything.   After the ceremony, I start to walk back to my apartment, 'At least I know (F/n) will be there for me.' I think as someone grabs my arm. I turn and see Thomas, his eyes are closed to try and hold back the tears he has in them. I notice that he has a hand behind his back and when I blink a bouquet of flowers is pushed into my arms. Then, Thomas starts to walk away, "Thomas....Wait!" I exclaim then time feels as if it has slowed as I realize that Thomas is running towards me. It speeds back up, I realize we're falling but I don't care. I notice just after that I feel different around Thomas but it's a good different.

It's love......

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