How are you so pretty? - Phillip

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PastelDreamzzz requested this... I hope you like it!
Phillip x Reader
Prompt #19 - "How are you so pretty?"
Time - Present
Triggers - none(for once!)
AU - School(I hate school with a passion!)

"Today, we will be doing a group worksheet." Mr. Washington announced as he handed out the papers. Everyone audibly cheered but we celebrated too early. "I will also be assigning the groups." he continued and everyone groaned once he started calling out groups. "Alex Reynolds and......" he looked around the room to find a suitable group for the jokester "Aila Mulligan" I hear her groan and see her move to sit with Alex. "Um....Theodosia Burr....and....." He started and I mentally hoped that I would be with Theo. "(Y/n) (L/n).... and Phillip Hamilton." he said and I kinda cried inside, I don't want to be in a group with Phillip! He flirts with the girls in his groups and gets them to do all the work for him. I won't let him do that to me or Theo! I move to sit beside Theo and Phillip sits in front of me. I look at Theo and she looks back at me and tilts her head in confusion. I shake my head and we get started with the worksheet.

-----Time Skip brought to you by flying mint bunny-----

As Theo and I walk out of the classroom Amata Lafayette walks up behind us and starts to talk about she hated being grouped with Earh Lee and Stilleman Seaburry. We all visit our lockers before we walk outside to the buses. When I sit down in the bus Kaytlyn Schuyler sits beside me and asks me how being grouped with Phillip was and I reply saying, "I mean all I could think every time he started talking was.... How do you do this to my brain?" "And all I could think every time you started talking was... How are you so pretty?" I heard someone say and I turn to see Phillip sitting on the seat beside ours next to Theo. "I didn't know you were into bad boys!" Theo exclaimed leaning on Phillip's shoulder with her arm. I look at Theo then Kaytlyn and lastly Phillip. I get up and move to the back of the bus and sit next to Phineas Jefferson. He starts talking to me but I don't pay attention until he says my name multiple times. "(Y/n), are you okay?" he asks me and I nod. My family are friends with both the Hamilton and Jefferson family so I hang out with both families from time to time. "Do you want to come over?" he asks and I nod again. I reach up and ruffle his curly hair and we get off the bus right in front of Phineas' house. Phillip gets out behind us and grabs my wrist before I can follow Phineas. "Wait... Can we talk?" he asks me and I try to yank my arm away but I fail and he tightens his grip on my wrist. "We need to talk..." "She doesn't want to talk Hamilton." Phineas says prying Phillip's hand off my wrist. "It's fine Phineas, I'll meet you inside." I say and he huffs at me and mumbles something about how Phillip always gets the girls. Phillip leads me across the street to his house and to a bench in the back garden. We both sit down and he brushes some hair out of my face. "(Y/n).... Give me a chance. I know I treat a lot of girls the same but I promise I'll treat you better." He begs and looks at me with his puppy dog eyes that I can't resist. "Fine.... But only if you treat me with full respect." I say turning my head away from him. He turns my head to face him and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "I know I'm helpless but, I love you." he says and I tell him that I'm still going to Phineas' house. He nods and walks me back over to Phineas' house and gives me a quick kiss before walking back home. I blush and knock on the door. Mr. Jefferson answers the door and pulls me into a large hug. "I haven't seen you in months (Y/n)!"

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