OMG! That's Adorable! ~ James Madison

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This is gonna be really short but, I haven't really had the time to write here recently. I haven't written for Mads yet so this could turn out really badly. Anyways! Enjoy!

James Madison x Reader
Prompt ~ "OMG! That's adorable!"
Time ~ Modern

    I lay in the arms of my adorable boyfriend, James Madison. We lay on the couch cuddling and talking about how our day has gone so far. "Tommy is trying to get me to help him destroy Hamilton's career. As always." Jemmy sighs and moves his arms to be more comfortable. "I wouldn't expect any less of him. Why does he hates Hamilton so much anyway?" I ask and he shrugs. "I wouldn't know, plus I don't really care why. Just as long as they don't kill each other." He voices then kisses my temple. I turn my head sideways and see him red on the face.

    I smile and lightly touch my pointer finger to his nose. I hear a loud tidying noise getting closer to our apartment then the door slams open. "I JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO RUIN HAM-OMG! That's adorable! Can I take a picture of you two?" Thomas questions and both me and James reply, "No!" "Fine! I'll just leave then!" Thomas bitches. "Please do, me and (y/n) were cuddling!" James states and Thomas leaves. "Thanks Jemmy." I say and nuzzle into his shoulder,"I love you." "I love you too." He says and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

What did you think? Honestly I think it's pretty good for not ever writing for James. Tell me what you think in the comments and I just might write some more short stories like this.

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