Why so Flirty All of a Sudden?-Lafayette

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Lafayette x Reader

Prompt #69 - "Why so flirty all of a sudden?"

Time - Modern

Triggers - Cheesy pick-up lines

(A/n) - So... This is the last of the three parts that I'm writing for TacoUnicorn21. I hope that everyone likes it! I put a lot of time and effort into this one(not saying I didn't put effort into the others). I wrote most of this at school and I let my guy friend proof read it and he said it was good(and he doesn't know a thing about Hamilton). I was initially going to make it where the reader forgets it's their anniversary but, it didn't work out that way. ~ENJOY~ (also the picture by terror-in-the-dream on tumblr)

-8:37 am-

I walk out of the bedroom I share with my boyfriend Lafayette. I look at myself in the hallway mirror. I'm in my pajamas, which consist of a t-shirt and a pair of exercise shorts. I walk through the rest of the hallway and to the kitchen. When I look into the kitchen I see Laf eating a bowl of cereal while on his phone and sitting on the counter.

When I walk into the kitchen Laf looks up at me then gets off the counter. He walks to stand in front of me and smiles, I smile back and he opens his mouth to speak. "Are you French?" he asks and I tilt my head, "Because Eiffel for you." he finishes his line smiling but I just roll my eyes and try to walk past him(keyword: try), but he pulls me into a hug and says, "Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?" I look up a bit then smile and walk past him.

I get a bowl down for my cereal and set it on the counter. As I start to pour my cereal Laf walks up behind me and hugs me. "Do you have a map?" he ask another question and I just wait for him to continue, "Because I keep getting lost in your eyes." he whispers this and it makes me spill some cereal on the floor. "Laf can you get me the broom?" I ask Laf and he nods. He walks into the hallway and gets the broom from the closet. He brings it into the kitchen and I grab it from him starting to sweep up the fallen cereal. 'At least I didn't put milk in my cereal.' I think as I throw away the floor cereal and put away the broom.

"Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day." Laf smirks as I walk back into the kitchen. I roll my eyes, grab my bowl of cereal, and sit on the couch to watch TV while I eat breakfast.

-10:43 am-

Laf said he wanted to take me somewhere today so I get in the passenger seat and let Laf drive us to where he wants to take me.

-12:02 pm-

We're lucky we didn't get caught in terrible traffic on the way to the mall. In the car Laf explained to me that we are going in the mall and, that he will buy me whatever I want from one store of my choice. "Of course I'm going to choose Hot Topic!" I say after Laf asks me what store we're going to.

-1:23 pm-

I walk out of Hot Topic with three big bags on my arms and, Laf is carrying five small bags with him. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile." I hear behind me and I drop my bags on the tile floor of the mall. I walk over to Laf eyeing him warily and, I try to keep a serious face on. Despite my efforts however, I start to laugh(or Laf) hysterically and I fall onto the floor in a fit of laughter. After I finish laughing I stand while wiping away my happy tears. "Why so flirty all of a sudden?" I ask Laf and he just brushes off my question and pulls me to the car also grabbing the bags I had dropped earlier.

-3:49 pm-

We are still in the car...New York traffic is terrible in the afternoon and night. I wonder where we're headed just as the traffic begins to let up and I smile to myself as I look out the car window.

-4:27 pm-

We park in the parking lot at the Richard Rogers theater. Laf takes me through the side door and leads me to a dressing room with the last name Hamilton on it. I smile as he knocks softly on the door. It opens but not before Laf squeezes in another pick-up line, "You must be the sun because you light up my life." I chuckle as I look through the door into a dark room.

I feel around for a light switch but the light turns on and all our friends jump out from behind the furniture in the small room. James and Aaron are just standing in a corner, Herc and John jump over the back of the small couch, the Schuyler sisters are on and around the vanity, and Alexander and Thomas walk out from the rack of costumes in the back of the room arguing over who is better friends with Laf and me.

-6:53 pm-

After the small get together with Laf and my friends, we drive to a small field just outside the city. Once we get up the small hill in the middle of the field Laf put a soft blanket on the rough grass. He sits and pats the ground for me to sit too. I sit beside Laf and as soon as I sit he stands and puts his hand in his jacket pocket(can you guess what's happening?). He pulls something small out of his pocket, "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." he says and I do so hesitantly. I feel something soft yet solid being placed in my hand. I try to peek but Laf notices and scolds me for a short period of time.

After being scolded for peeking I close my eyes tightly. "Okay......You can open your eyes......Now!" He finishes excitedly. I open my eyes and see Laf kneeling on one knee with a nervous look painted on his face. I smile and start to cry. Just as more tears begin to fall I run and tackle Laf to the ground in a tight hug. "Do I even need to ask?" Laf asks me and I shake my head smiling. I chuckle and get off of Laf but not before saying, "Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?"

I hope you enjoyed reading this because I definitely enjoyed writing this! If you want a chapter to be a certain way go to the chapter filled with prompts and request something there. I love every single one of you! ~Bye~

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