Valentine's Day Special - Poly!Hamilsquad

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Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader
Prompt - Love/Valentine's day
Time - Modern
Triggers - Poly relationship, Panties, Cute AF gifts, & Fluffy as shit  Note - (F/S) means favorite show, (F/F) means favorite flowers, (F/V/G) means favorite video game or you could just pick a movie and, (B/s) means birthstone. Also, this is my first Poly!Hamilsquad fanfic. Also, also, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! ENJOY!

I lay spread out on the couch watching (F/S) and eating chocolates the Schuyler sisters got me. As a commercial break starts the boys run through the door and into our bedroom. They had been at the store and I had gotten bored of waiting for them to get home. I walk down the hallway and to the door to our shared bedroom. I hear mumbling and then a series of crashes emit from behind the door. I know and the whole house grows silent. I stand waiting for an answer then hear (F/S) come back on. I huff and walk back to the living room to finish my show.  

------After the show------

  I hear a door open as my show ends and I sigh looking over to the bedroom door. I see all the boys gathered together in a huddle, obviously covering something up. A surprise I presume and stare at the boys eyeing between their arms and backs. Alex hands a small red box to John to hold and he steps forward. I look behind him to see John having trouble holding all of the items he was holding behind his back and the small box. "Um... Alex I think John is going to drop whatever he is holding" I inform him and his eyes go wide. He runs to John's side and helps him adjust everything in his arms. He takes the small box as not to inconvenience John again.

  He steps forward again and smiles at me widely, I tilt my head as I look back at him from looking at John. He looks at me with love in his eyes and hands me a small heart shaped box that he pulled out from behind his back. He steps back in the line that the boys have made and Lafayette steps forward next. "Mon am-" "Laf we weren't going to talk until the end, we talked about this." Herc says and Lafayette sighs. "Sorry, I forgot..." he said and handed me a bouquet of (F/F). He steps back looking sad and looks at Herc as he steps forward. He smiles brightly and quickly hand me A large heart shaped box with a (F/c) ribbon on it. He steps back excitedly, I wonder why as John steps forward and pushes A very small box into my hands and then puts a slightly bigger box in my hands. Then, he adds one more slightly bigger than the last one. That's why he was having so much trouble when Alex handed him the small box.

  They all step forward in unison or they tried to step forward in unison. John stepped a little too far forward and Laf didn't step far enough forward. Herc steps forward too slowly and Alex steps forward way too quickly making him trip and almost fall. He caught himself by putting his arm on the couch to help him balance again. They all fix their errors and stand in a strait line. They all scream in unison perfectly though as they scream this in my face, "HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY!" I try to tolerate how loud they are but can't and I fall off the couch. They look over the back of the couch to check if I'm okay which I am but, when they look over they see me laughing hysterically and rolling around on the floor while the blanket I had been using to cover my bare legs fell to the side giving the boys a perfect view of my panties(I hate this fucking word) and what made it worse was that they were lace.

  The boys stared at me and I stopped laughing then they all shook their heads going back to being behind the couch. I look at where they were looking before and blush bright red. They have now seen every bit of me. Don't get me started on when they all walked into my room when I was changing and saw my breasts. I sit back on the couch with my presents beside me and place the blanket back on me lower half. "Open your presents!" John said eagerly and jumped up and down. "Oui, mon amour open our gifts for you." Laf said and made his way over to the couch " I still haven't given her the last box guys." Alex said holding out the small red box that Alex had handed to John in the beginning. I start to open that box first but the boys all start yelling at me to open the other presents first. I set the small red box down and grab the first box Alex gave me.

  I carefully open the heart shaped box and see a box full of my favorite chocolates(Just imagine them). I hug Alex from over the couch and then start to open the three boxes John had handed to me, the smallest one had a bracelet with (Y/n) engraved into it. The next smallest box had a necklace with a clear heart attached and the clear heart had all of our birthstones in it. The biggest box had a phone case based on (F/c). I set everything down carefully and hug John tightly then sit back down to open the box that Herc had given me. I grab the box and pull at the ribbon which loosened. I open it carefully as not to spill anything, I gasp as I see what's inside. I see (F/V/G) and I jump over the couch not caring about my appearance and hug Herc. Then I bring them all into a group hug while in the hug I kiss all of them one after the other.

  Until I get to Laf who was just staring at me with sad eyes. "What's wrong Laffy Taffy?" I ask him and he explains that he was sad because he had only gotten you flowers. "I love them Laf, you got my favorite kind." I said to him smiling and he smiled back. "Open the last box." they all said together. I grab the small red box off the coffee table and walk back to stand in front of them. I open the box and see a ring with a (B/s) in the center with small diamonds on the sides. I look up with happy tears in my eyes to see them all standing on one knee. "Will you marry us?" they ask me and I start to cry. They get up and rush over to me trying to calm me down. "What's wrong baby doll?" Alex asks and wipes some tears away but more start to fall. "I-I.... I love you guys so much!" I yell and jump into their arms. they all hold me in tight hug. "So is that a yes?" John asks. "No," I say and they look down saddened, "It's an of course!" I say and they all cheer together. and I just look at them all with tear stained cheeks and smile as I watch my fiancés get the alcohol out of the fridge.

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