Chapter 1 (Prologue)

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The sudden change in the bipolar Midwest weather caught me off guard. I used my blue and gold pom poms as a makeshift umbrella while dashing across the parking lot to my mom's silver minivan. A strong wind blew past, whipping my already shorter than short cheer skirt up and leaving me running along with my spankies on full display.

A loud whistle garnered my attention. "Looking good, Shelby!" Sebastian Birch, Patterson High all-star basketball player, my sometimes archnemesis, and my twin brother Kyle's jerk of a best friend, shouted loud enough for the rest of the team to hear.

I flipped him off before hurrying toward the car to keep from getting completely soaked. What good those damn poms did. I ended up drenched from head to toe anyway.

The side door to the minivan automatically opened, and I clambered inside as a bolt of lightning forked in the distance. My mother passed me a dry towel once I had situated myself in the back seat.

I quickly wiped the water from my face and muttered, "Thanks." 

Kyle's amused hazel eyes locked with mine in the rearview mirror. "What did he do now?" His added chuckle made the question even more annoying.

"Bass is just being himself. A complete asshole," I said.

"Shelby. Language!" Dad's gruff voice radiated from the front passenger seat. I shouldn't have even bothered complaining since it would only fall on deaf ears. My parents had already drunk the Sebastian Birch is wonderful Kool-Aid years ago, and in their eyes, he did no wrong.

Yeah, whatever.

Kyle's laughter grew raucous. He found it utterly hilarious and entertaining that his best friend could drive me crazy in mere seconds. He took Sebastian's side in everything even though I was his damn twin. I'd shared a uterus with him for Christ's sakes!

But did that earn me any preferential treatment?

Nope. Not when it came to those two.

My brother was lost to the dark side. Between that and dating Lindsay Matthews, the she-devil incarnate of Patterson High, it was in my professional sisterly opinion that he was out of his freaking mind.

Still all riled up, not only from getting cat-called but also cheering at my brother's and his basketball team's state championship game, which they won, I flung one of my pom poms at the back of Kyle's blond head. The plastic handle made an impact, resulting in a dull, yet satisfying thud.

"Damn it, Shelby." His hand rubbed at the point of contact. "Can't you see I'm getting ready to drive here?"

That was the problem.

My completely gullible parents were allowing Kyle, also known as the absolute worst driver in the United States, to drive. They should have realized six failed driver's tests ago it was a lost cause. That and their darling son better invest in one hell of a reliable bicycle or start saving now for all those Uber rides he would inevitably have to take.

But no.

My parents gave Kyle yet another chance to practice driving. And this time, I had to contribute as an unwilling participant to their madness.

"Umm... yeah. Maybe my plan is to inflict enough damage to ensure that Dad drives and not you." I threw the other one as well and almost hit his head in the same exact spot. Score.

"Stop it!" Kyle twisted in his seat and glared. "Unless you want to ride home with someone else?" My stupid brown-nosing brother looked at our dad to intervene.

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