Chapter 3(pt. 3)

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Satisfied with his confession, Trina tucked her phone away with a warning look and trekked to the lunch line.

"Hey, Sebastian," Dylan said from the other end of the table. "What time did Coach say the meeting is?"

"Four." Sebastian didn't look up to respond. He was far too busy shredding the napkin in front of him to pieces. "I won't be there, but Coach already knows."

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Dylan played with the food on his tray as a distraction.

"Why won't you be there?" I asked, being nosey.

Sebastian sighed, and he gave me the same tense glance as earlier when I inquired about Bert. "It's nothing." His voice sounded firm and resolute. That crap may have worked on everyone else, but not me.

"Ahh...yeah it is," I said in a playful tone and cocked an eyebrow. "Coach doesn't let anyone skip meetings or practices or games. So unless it's something important?" My shrug served as the speculation needed to let him know I wasn't buying the bullshit he was selling.

"Just drop it, Shelby. It's none of your business."

I sat back in my chair and pushed away from the table. "Oh, that's rich coming from you. Like it was none of your business when I got that message last night. I've still not forgiven you for impinging on my privacy."

"Is that so? Hmmm..." He shot me a challenging look and grinned wickedly. "And has Prince Charming contacted you again?"

"No." That one word sounded much worse once I said it aloud.

Maybe it was just a freak message intended for someone else? Or? Who the hell knows? All I knew was Sebastian Birch better learn to mind his own business or else I'd start meddling in his.

Prompted by the thought, I sneaked a peek at my phone and saw there was, in fact, a new message:

Dear Ariel,

It doesn't matter who I am.

What matters is you taking that first step into the ocean, Little Mermaid.

So, you can stand on your own again.

Yours forever,

Prince Eric

Again, when I checked, it was still from the user PrinceCharming99.

The cute but vague message didn't alleviate my fears that this was just someone playing some sick joke on me. I had enemies. Not too many, but with being taken down a couple of notches, I was easy prey. So, what did I do? I sent a message right back.

If you don't want me to block you, then you better tell me something. Like why can't I know who you are? Do I even know you? Is this some joke where I'm going to end up on the show Catfish and have to relive this entire experience?

So why don't you do us both a favor and just leave me alone?

My fingers finished typing, and I hit send when Sebastian, intuitive as always, asked, "Who's that? That stalker posing as Prince Charming again?"

I faked a smile and tucked my phone into my pocket to keep him from pulling the same crap like last night. "It's nothing."

Sebastian stared at me, and I glanced past his shoulder at my ex-boyfriend Connor walking towards our table. He stopped and nervously shifted in his place. He had every right to be nervous. If Trina came back soon enough, the chances of Connor walking away with his balls intact would dip below the fifty percent mark.

'"Hi, Shelby," Connor said and forced a half smile. His hand shot up and tugged at his sandy blonde hair.

"Oh, hell no." Sebastian bolted off his chair so fast it tipped backward. His hands clenched at his sides, and I knew this wasn't going to bode well for my ex-boyfriend. "You're a little North of the Mason Dixon, Jacobs. Why don't you do yourself a favor and turn back around and I'll forget that you made the mistake of coming over here."

Why did this suddenly feel like a bad western movie with Sebastian in the starring role as sheriff?

Connor's blue eyes never left my face, but I could tell by the slight cowering in his stance he feared what Sebastian might do. "I just want to talk to Shelby."

Sebastian smirked, and Owen and Dylan stood as well. They moved to Connor's side, ready to remove him if their captain demanded.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Sebastian said, and I rolled my eyes. How in the hell did he know what I wanted?

"Bass," I said, and he didn't even flinch. His eyes stayed fixed on the football player and his face set into his usual intimidating grimace that even had me cringing. "Bass." When I called his name louder, he remained unwavering.

Ugh. Stupid, ignorant, pig-headed obstinate boys. In a huff, I slowly wheeled my way around the table to Connor. "Come on." Adding a quick nod, he understood to follow me to the other side of the room.

"Shelby." Sebastian's grave and warning voice didn't deter me. I ignored him and the others as I wheeled past.

Even when we reached the far corner, I felt Sebastian's condemning gaze on me. It had only been half a day already, but this overbearing, surrogate big brother act had to stop. "What do you need, Connor?"

"You look good." His compliment still had that effect on me, and I wished it didn't. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered, and I didn't need a mirror to know my cheeks had flushed. It was just what Connor did to me. Always had and I feared always would.

"Thanks." Short and sweet would hopefully end this awkward conversation sooner. "So... what?"

"Umm. Yeah. I have some stuff of yours, and I was hoping that I could bring it over one night this week?" His hands waved all over the place, a tell for when he was anxious.

Damn it. And here I hated to admit that my hopes were up. I couldn't believe that I thought the bastard was going to apologize for dumping me after the accident. Maybe some groveling? Some pleading? Some begging?

Nothing. But maybe that would all happen later?

I rebounded quickly. "Sure. What night?"

"How about Thursday? I can swing by after practice."

"Okay, but I moved. Just text me, and I'll give you the new address."

Connor narrowed his eyes. "Why did you move?"

Wasn't it obvious? "It was just hard being there after..." Hopefully, he could figure it out on his own and not make me explain any further. Sitting here and taking a good look at him, I realized how much I missed him. He still had the blonde hair, blue eyes jock appeal and looked damn cute when confused.

"Oh yeah. I never thought about that," Connor said. He never was one that thought much in the first place. "So, I'll see you Thursday then?"

"Yep." I smiled and watched as Connor retreated. My mind was distracted with scenarios of how my ex was going to stop by and grovel endlessly for my forgiveness. And somehow, I would let him down easy. Yeah, not really. Instead, I would probably just laugh in his face.

"What's Thursday?" Sebastian's voice pulled me from my daydream.


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