Interlude Part 4

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Song is "Lost in the Universe"

The chapter is dedicated to @thetrueflame Please go check out the book, The Long Forgotten. :)

I want to thank the Spring Awards 2017 for Mirror Mirror winning 1st place for Teen Fiction!

****Warning**** This chapter is a little emotional. And has to deal with death and I don't want it to upset anyone.

(Sebastian POV)

March 12, 5:00 p.m.

I stood bolt upright from my chair in the waiting room. "Mom, what is it?"

At the sound of my voice, her eyes shut briefly to mask any emotion. "You need to come with me." She tilted her head to take in the sight of Owen and the others. "You all need to follow me. There is a family lounge down the hall where we can talk."

My mom wouldn't look directly at me. She forced a small smile to seem reassuring. Only I knew better, and the sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach, along with the cold sweat prickling the palms of my hands reminded me of that fact.

She walked toward a different set of closed double doors and paused. Her hands anxiously patted the sides of her pockets and the front of her black silk button down in search of her badge. My mom's frustration was palpable as she heaved an exasperated sigh and turned to face the large man sitting behind the counter at the nearby security guard's office.

"Todd, can you buzz me in?" She huffed before motioning to the five of us standing to her side. "And they're with me."

Barely a second passed before the door hummed as the metal handle of the door shifted downward and my mom propped the door open. The sound of her black heels clattering as they came in contact with the vinyl floor held my focus. Tap. Tap. Tap. I counted a total of forty-nine taps later and never once did I chance a glance upwards to see those glass windows that spanned the distance. Patient room after patient room we walked by and from my periphery, I tried not to notice all the ones with their drapes not drawn for their occupant's privacy versus the ones covered.

My mother lightly touched each of my teammate's shoulders as they entered the room. I stalled, shaking my head.

This was it. Call it déjà vu or whatever retrospect bullshit, but this was exactly how she told me once my dad had died. In a room just like this, with my three sisters and grandparents there to help console us.

It took her wrapping an arm around me to prompt me to move. The silence loomed as her much smaller frame shook with every step we took together.

To the left, an open area had a singular gurney with a few doctors and nurses rushing around it. My mother's gaze fixed on the flurry of activity and hesitated for a moment. She caught me looking, immediately closing the curtain to form a barrier.

The small family's lounge had its walls painted a tranquil blue, probably to invoke feelings of calm. A couple of chairs and a couch carried the similar theme of a mauve pink. A total of three cheap wood end tables each had a box of Kleenex that appeared freshly plucked by a few of my friend's parents already sitting there waiting for us.

Owen's mom and dad.

Mrs. Starsky.

Mr. Reynolds and Mason's stepmom, Phyllis.

Even Luke's mom and older sister, Julie were here.

I gave my mom a brief sideways glance. "What is going on?"

She cleared her throat and nodded at the mayor, Mr. Clark. He extricated himself from his wife to stand.

"If all of you will just give us a few moments with the boys," he said solemnly to the rest of the adults in the room.

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