Interlude Part 13

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Song is "Like Me Better" ~ Pretty much my favorite song right now and listen to it whenever I am channeling Bass! It's him to a tee!

As promised here is the last chapter in Sebastian's POV (for a while). There will be bonus chapters ahead with the big guy, so don't fear!

We will be posting a chapter of Shelby's POV (taken from MM2 on here) to get us caught up to speed. Plan on an update probably every 2 days for the next two weeks!


It was almost a half an hour drive from the cemetery to the hospital. Robin offered to stay while I visited with Shelby. Only I had no idea how long that would be.

"Hey, Sebastian," Melissa greeted me as I exited the elevators and made my way past the nurse's station where she sat. "I wasn't expecting to see you here today."

I turned once I hit the open doorway to Shelby's room and shrugged. "Yeah, well." What else was there to say? That I needed to see her? That I needed to make sure she was okay, even though I had no reason to think otherwise?

God, I was pathetic. Even thinking it to myself had me cringing. If this kept up, no doubt Mom would put me in therapy.

Melissa waved a hand at me. "Well, she's still in there."

"Thanks," I said with a slight chuckle.

The blinds in Shelby's room were open, allowing for the late afternoon sunshine to trickle between the slats. Rays of light landed on her wounded body, giving Shelby an ethereal effect. Almost like the angels were looking down on her. Or maybe three in particular.

My seat was still in its usual position, at the left side of the bed. I removed my suit jacket and tie, laying the items on the back of the chair.

All the air I'd been holding in released as I sat beside Shelby. I grabbed her left hand and laced my fingers through hers. Surely, if she were awake right now, she'd kick my ass for being this presumptuous—this forward. This so like me, as she would say.

"Hey," I said, breathlessly and waited. The constant beeping of the monitors attached to the leads on Shelby played as background music. Odd that it soothed me, but that and the combined whoosh of the ventilator meant one significant and vital thing.

Shelby was alive and here. With me.

"So," I him-hawed on that one word. Not like Shelby was going to counter and ask, "so what?" but I pretended that she did. Just for today. Just for now. "You missed out on a lot of stuff today."

"Like what, Bass?" I forced my voice to sound high-pitched like a girl, but nothing even close to hers.

"Oh well, let's see." My hesitation was apparent while playing back all the horrible moments of this day so far. "First, I had to go meet with the judge."

"Judge? What judge?" I interrupted myself with her imitated voice. Only I made sure to add a certain amount of disdain that Shelby pulled off so well when speaking to me. It was the little things like this that I strangely missed. Five days since I had seen her with her green eyes open. Five days since she smiled at me. Five days since I promised to tell her how I felt.

I huffed. "Shelby, I did something incredibly stupid."

"Oh, not you, Bass," I mocked as Shelby again.

If only it were this easy to speak to her when she was awake. Sure we talked. Well, I tended to mess with her. Flirt. Do whatever was needed just to get a rise; to get her attention. That included instigating shit and hazing her to the point that she usually got fed up and told me off. But that was us. Our thing. Our connection. My stupid ass immature way of letting her know I was in love with her without actually ever letting her know I was in love with her.

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