Interlude Part 10

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Song is  Hallelujah by Pentatonix.

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The doors of the elevator parted with a distinctive ping. The long stretch of the ICU hallway was almost entirely vacant, save for someone manning the nurse's station.

My mom pushed me forward. I didn't anticipate the sudden jolt and groaned as my foot caught underneath the front wheel.

"Legs up next time," she said, patting my good shoulder in a conciliatory fashion. As far as I was concerned, there wouldn't be another next time in this damn chair. Okay maybe to return to my room later, but after that, never again.

Mom parked me beside the desk once she started talking to one of the nurses to get an update on the patient in room 303. When she caught me trying to listen in for details, she pointed to the far end of the hallway as a distraction. "That's Sarah."

Sitting in one of the oversized recliners, a woman with long sandy blond hair had her head buried in her hands. Even from twenty feet away, I watched as her body trembled and shuddered.

Thinking she'd succeeded in shifting my attention, my mom gestured to the nurse to move their discussion out of earshot from me. It didn't take too much guessing on my part to know exactly who they were "discussing."

It was only a couple of minutes already, but all this waiting around did nothing for me.

With my mom's back turned, I took it upon myself to wheel this damn chair down the hall. It took a little longer than expected, considering I had only one good arm. After I'd steered into the wall for the third time, Sarah noticed.

She bolted from her seat. "Here, let me help you." It took a little force on her part to yank the contraption backward by the handles to get it to move Well, I did weigh two-hundred and forty pounds, so it wasn't like I was a lightweight or anything. She continued pushing me down the remainder of the hall. "Where do you want to go?"

I had to bit my lower lip to keep from saying, "room 303." Manners were never my strongest suit, and I struggled to rein back the apparent impatience on my part.

Okay, this was her aunt. I had to ask nicely. Keep it together, Sebastian.

Instead, I placed a half-smile on my lips and glanced at her over my right shoulder. "I was actually coming to talk to you."

"Me?" she forced with a laugh. Sarah sniffed a few times, the after effects of all those tears she was attempting to wipe away. "Why would you want to talk to me?"

The wheelchair came to an abrupt stop, and Sarah perched herself on the armrest of the recliner. Eyes red and puffy, nose swollen and a hand full of Kleenex at her side; this woman looked as if this had been the first reprieve from the constant crying.

Usually, I'd try to manipulate the situation to get what I wanted(i.e.permission to see Shelby). But there was something about the way Sarah hauntingly peered at me. Those same hazel eyes and that deep expression reminded me of Tonya. And if she were here right now, she'd call me out first thing on what I was considering to do.

This would only work if I were genuine. Here goes nothing. I swallowed hard and said, "I was wondering if I could have your permission to see Shelby?"

She stared absently past me for a few moments. Maybe she didn't hear me? I was about to repeat the question when she finally said, "You're not Connor, are you?"

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