Interlude Part 8

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^^^Why hello, Sebastian!!!^^^

Hello, the rest of you beautiful people as well!!

This chapter is dedicated to  @awkwardxfreak  ~ make sure to go check out Shattered!

My head throbbed as I tried opening my eyes. "Ugh," I groaned once the glaring florescent light above came into focus.

Everything around me was moving. Swaying. Shifting. The stark white ceiling. The drab tan walls. The small table to the side. Nothing would stand still and the harder I tried to make it stop, the more I wanted to close my eyes again.

"Look, Steph, at who's finally waking up," said Robin. Her voice, the usual loud and obnoxious, was amplified tenfold.

I pressed my palms to my temples to keep the pain at bay. What good that did as a wave of dizziness crashed over me. "Why are you yelling?"

"She wasn't yelling. You're just hungover." My oldest sister, Stephanie forced a laugh at my expense.

Glad she thought this was funny.

Clenching my eyes shut a few times seemed to have done the trick. "Where am I?" I asked, grimacing at the rancid taste in my mouth.

Gum. I needed gum ASAP. Or mouthwash.

It wasn't even a second later when Robin came into view and smacked me across my cheek. The searing pain radiated from below my left eye to right above the jawline. She got me good.

"What the—" I started but was cut off by Robin cupping her hand over my mouth to keep me from saying the F word.

"You're in the hospital." Robin's hand remained on my lips as she continued, "And damn lucky to be still alive."

I shoved her hand away, spotting the IV tugging at my arm with the yellowish liquid pumping through it. A quick peek at my attire, and I sported a scratchy gray hospital gown and some stupid ass yellow socks. "What are you even talking about? Why am I here?" I paused and glanced at Stephanie all curled up in a recliner beside the bed I currently occupied. "And why are you even here?"

Stephanie, my twenty-three-year-old sister and current grad student at Northwestern University, had been away at school for almost a year. She didn't even come home for this past Christmas or Thanksgiving. So seeing her here, now, was a bit of a shock.

She sat upright in the chair and gave me a pointed stare.

"Well, I'd still be at school if you didn't decide to get drunk off your ass last night and drive your truck straight into a tree." She shook her head a few times with a perfect scowl in place. "Mom thinks it's a cry for help or some bullshit like that."

One thing my dear, bitch of a sister hated was to be bothered. Ever. With family. With friends. Wth life in general. With anyone or anything other than school and her girlfriend of three years, Darcy.

"Sorry you had to come all this way," I sneered, and she flipped me off. About the norm for our limited interactions.

"You need to call Mom and let her know he's awake before the sheriff stops back by to check in on him," she said in a huff to Robin before flopping herself back into the oversized chair.

"Oh, yeah." Robin scrambled, yanking her phone out and dialed. She cocked an eyebrow in my direction as she turned it on speaker phone. It rang once. Twice. On the third ring, my mom picked up.

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