Interlude part 2

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Song is "Hard Times" by Paramore

This was a little harder to write than I thought. Probably because of what it is building toward. :(

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March 12, 2016 3:00 p.m.


Cheers erupted from the stands as the final seconds on the clock trickled down. Four. Three. Two. One.

The loud screech of the buzzer prompted the bench to empty. My teammates and Coach Larson rushed toward the center of the court, screaming and clapping the entire way.

We had done it. State champions for three years in a row. With a close final score of 97-95, the officials handed us our trophies and the endless slew of pictures commenced. A few for the local papers. A ton more for the families of every member of the team, wanting to immortalize this moment forever.

It was almost an hour later that the gym cleared and the hoopla finally died down. Everyone on the team was set to meet at Kyle's house to celebrate by way of pizzas and watching the NCAA's Sweet Sixteen tournament for the rest of the weekend. Of course, that would entail some betting. Only I wasn't planning on losing, again.

"I'll see you in a little while," Kyle said as he jingled his mom's car keys to gloat that he was driving. Knowing him, he probably held the fact that he was named the game's MVP over his dad's head to get them to concede.

I simply nodded as he and his parents headed toward the minivan. That right there spelled trouble. My best friend was good at many, many things. Driving was not one of them.

The light drizzle from earlier was now a steady downpour and caused everyone to wait here under the awning. The wind shifted as the rain lessened. It signaled a mad dash for a few brave souls across the parking lot.

A wickedly strong gust blew past with enough force it had everyone recoiling. Shelby had made it about halfway when the back of her cheer skirt flipped upwards. She hurried faster, apparently unnoticing the sight she gave everyone from this vantage point. And I couldn't help but appreciate the view.

I placed two fingers in my mouth and whistled. "Looking good, Ryan!" My loud voice carried, and she took notice.

She responded by turning and flipping me off while giving me that classic Shelby Ryan glare I adored. It was a look she reserved only for me. That look was saved for when I crossed a line or pissed her off, which happened a lot according to her. But after knowing this girl for almost ten years, I knew precisely what buttons to push to get the reaction I wanted.

It was a game. My favorite game to be exact.

"Buttering her up for your big talk tonight?" Owen Clark said as he stepped beside me.

My attention didn't stray from watching Shelby retreating inside the confines of the minivan. "Something like that."

Mason shook his head. "One of these days she's going to try and kick your ass." He gave me a sidelong glance. "You know that right?"

The thought brought a smile to my face. "Actually, I'm counting on it."

"Counting on what?" my girlfriend for the moment, Katlyn Seevers said from behind.

My smile disappeared as Mason snickered and Owen coughed to seem oblivious. Those two assholes loved it anytime I was the slightest bit uncomfortable. I looked at Mason and gave him a shut the hell up look. Instantly his face fell.

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