Chapter 14

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Chanyeol's POV

I was woken up by my alarm and well let me tell you, I didnt like it. But i had to wake up because i have to get to work. I lazily went to the bathroom and took a relaxing shower. I soon went to my walk-in-closet and grabbed a dark blue suit, i put on a boxer, i soon grabbed a white shirt with long sleeves and soon i put my pants and later my suit.

I looked at the time and saw it was 11 am so i had my time to get to work, perks of being the next heir. I made myself breakfast and ate as i watched tv. It was now 11:23am and that was my cue to get going. I may be the son of the most richest and sucessful man but i dont like to be late on my own work.

Soon i was starting my car and went off to work. There was a bit of traffic but no problem. Twenty minutes past and i could drive free from the traffic. I arrived just in time as i parked my car at the parking lot inside the building. I made sure i had everything in my suitcase, as i checked a woman who seems on her mid twenties saw me and she went close to me. "Hey handsome, wanna get out of here" she said as she ran her hands on my arm. "Im not interested" i said harshily and went aside passing a confused girl, when it comes to work i dont like 'messing around'.

As i went inside i was greeted as usual to everyone. I was respected here for my good experience. That one thing my father aprecciate of me being the next heir, i knew how to negociate with people. As soon as i stepped into my office, i went straight to work.

It has been 5 hours i had been working so seeing that i finished my things i decided to text my friend Darren since we saw each other like 2 days ago. Darren was like my brother, we shared the same taste in women, we had never been into a serious relationship. So yeah.

I texted him saying if it was okay to stop by a while. It took three minutes for him to reply saying i could come anytime. Soon it was late so i went to Darren's.

As i was driving i couldnt get myself to think of Rosalie. That girl made me have these weird feelings and i dont know why. It sometimes made me frustated, that kiss we shared that night that the club went lingering on my mind. Her kiss was addiciting.

Soon i parked a few miles away from Darren's house because i knew i couldnt park where its not permited.
Soon i was walking to his house. It took me about twenty minutes to get there but something caught my attention.

As i was getting closer to his apartment i saw he was forcing a girl to his house, "Let go of me" the girl said and at that moment i knew it was her. Rosalie. I went to her and just when she was about to give up i pushed my friend from her and caught her close to me. Her sent was intoxicating.

She soon stiffen as she recognized me or something and i was right because the next thing i knew it she said "Its you!" she exclaimed. She turned and soon she pushed herself free from me. She looked at me with despise and i couldnt help but feel hurt.

"What are you doing here?" she said as she looked at me. "I simple thank you would be enough" i said coldly. I was mad at her attitud she was giving me. I heard her huff and went to go, but before she could i grabbed her and made her look into my eyes. Damn those eyes.....

"What do you want from me" she said as she struggled herself free but we knew i was strong so she eventually gave up. "Well i came to visit this asshole right here when i saw you being forced" i said as i glared at my friend who was looking ashmed.

"Look i thank you for saving me but i really need to go to work," sh said as she wiggled herself to escape. "Now if you will excuse i must being going" she wiggled herself free from my grasp and started to head for her car. I soon saw she wasnt alone, there was a girl on the passenger seat.

She soon closed her door and started to drove off. "Dude, that girl was hot" my friend Darren said as i gave him a death glare, for some odd reason i felt jealous.


Omg! Chanyeol getting jealous of Darren?... Well this is new even for me. Sorry short chapter >_<

What will happen when he is slowly discovering his feeling for Rosalie?

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See you real soon my cupcakes ❤


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