Chapter 15

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Rosalie's POV

"Rosalie! Was that the guy who dance with you that night at the club?!" Adele said as she practically yelled at me. How the fuck did I come to this?! Oh right, Chanyeol 'saved' me from that guy and Adele witness everything!. What did i do to deserve this? What?!.

"Ugh Adele please..please dont ask about him?!" i said to her, she looked at me and said "Was that Chanyeol?!" she said as she gasped. How on earth did he know i was there? Did he follow me? Or was it just a coincidence? Maybe. "Look, im having a massive head ache and yes it was him" i said as i tried to focuse my eyes on the road, i didnt want an accident because of Adele.

"Well you could at least told me" she said as she gave up. I sighed and i know i should tell her that he saved me from that douche but i just cant. Besides she witness it. "I dont know why Chanyeol was there but i really dont want to talk about him" i said as i glanced at Adele who was watching me carefully.

She sighed and said "I know you dont want anything with him but im just saying maybe he isnt a bad guy you know? she said as for me i almost passed the red light. We almost crashed. Fuck! "That was close" she said as i was scared.

"Adele! We almost crash and you said 'that was close'?!" i yelled at her. "I. sorry okay?!" she yelled back at me. She was sometimes like my mother. How i missed her but i knew she was with her new husband and with a baby in the way... "Im sorry Adele its just that i really dont care about that guy, i promised myself that i wouldnt be involved with him" i said as i began to drive.

She sighed and gave up, we soon went to a unconfontable silent. We drove to our work. Soon we parked and before i got out she grabbed my arm and said "I know that Rose but you dont know the least get to know him" i sighed and said "Del please...we are talking about a playboy! PLAYBOY! They sleep around with girls and leave them...i wont be 'that' girl okay?" i said to her and she just nodded understanding.

"Thank you" i said as i went to the store with Adele besides me.

We went in and i was greeted by Jayden with a hug. I looked at him with surprise. "Thank you for delievering the package to my brother" soon those imagenes of his brother came into my mind. I hated that guy, cant believe he had a brother like him, soon my thoughts were interupted by a worried voice "Hey Rosalie are you okay? Jayden said with a worried look on his face.

"Im okay what were you saying?" i said trying to change subject which worked by the way.

"I said that on Saturday i will pick you up at 5pm" he said blushing. Oh my god, he is blushing....So cute!!

"Yeah of course" i smiled and went back to work.

Hours passed and it was 7:00pm and my shift was over. I was putting my work shirt off and soon i put my crop top i had on. They gave you a shirt for you to wear when we are working. It was the companies so yeah.

I was about to leave for my car when i voice called "Wait! Rosalie!" At that moment i knew that voice belonged to the guy i least dont want to see. Chanyeol.

I stopped my tracks and turned around to say "What are you doing here?!" i said with an irritated voice. He soon hault and said "Hey i dont know what i did for you to hate me" i looked at him like he was an alien.

"Hate? huh....i dont hate fact i despise you" i said gretting my teeth. He smirked. Oh that motherfucker. "Your the first girl who said that to me" he said with a smirk plastered on his face. How i wish i could whip that smirk of his pretty face.

"Oh really? Well that's good" i said sacrastically. "Look gorgeous i seriously dont know what i didnt to you". Did he just call me gorgeous! Oh god he called me gorgeous. Focuse Rosalie. I said to myself as i looked at this sexy greek god. Fuck.

"You think i would fall for your playboy charms Buddie?" i said to him, he looked amused. Ah! Beat that.
"Your sexy when you mad sweetheart" he smirked at me. What did he just! "Dont call me that" i spat at him. "What sweetheart?" i slap his arm as hard as i could. I hated the guy.

"Ouch" he said as he mocked that he was in pain. I coudnt believe him. "Are we done here, because i really need to go" i said as i was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and made me crash his chest. He smelled so divine.Rosalie!

"Let go of me" i said as i wiggled myself free. Great just like in the morning. "What if i dont want to?" he said with a grin on his face. Fucker. "If you dont release me ill scream" i said as he looked amused "You wouldnt" oh try me. I smirked and screamed "Ah!! Help me! He is trying to rap-" i couldnt finish my sentence because the next thing he did, he kissed me.

I was shocked. He was kissing me! Twice! I tried to release myself from the kiss but the more i tried he kept his grip on my waist. I eventually gave in and kissed him back. Could blame him, he was a good kisser. I soon wrapped my arms around his neck and he soon smiled at the kiss.

God help me. I gasped when he grabbed my butt and squished it. I moaned into the kiss and the next thing he did was slip his tongue inside me exploring my mouth. Oh fuck he is good. He soon grabbed my thighs and lift me up as i wrapped my legs around his waist. He groaned as i slid my fingers on his hair and pulled not to hard but hard for him to excite him.

I never had experienced this with a guy heck i never had a boyfriend but with Chanyeol it came naturally. He soon pulled from the kiss and said "You dont know how much i wanna fuck you right now" with a husky voice, i blushed and realized i was pratically in this intimate position with him.

I soon let myself off  of him and said "Well i dont!" and with that i left him dumbfounded.

I cant believe i didnt that with the biggest playboy of New York City!

Why me?


That was a steamy kiss...Dont you think?

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See you soon my cupcakes ^-^


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