Chapter 17

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Rosalie's POV

Im currently at work and let me tell you, i didnt have much sleep since the incident with Chanyeol. I cant forget his lips nor how he made me feel. Damn him and his playboy ways. I promised myself i wouldnt fall for him. If only the world can swallow me up just like that i would be save but no it cant happen. Sigh. Just as i was going to lunch because we have lunch breaks Jayden came up to me.

"Yo Rose" he said and i turned to him with a smile, "Hey Jayden whats up?" i said as he came to me.

"Just wanted to ask if i can company you to lunch?" he said as he stratched the back of his neck. Why is he so darn cute?!

"Of course why not" i said and we both went to a chinese restaurant not far from work.

We went inside and a girl came and said "Welcome to China Food, how may i help you?"

I was about to speak when Jayden said "Table for two please" she soon smiled and said "This why please" she soon lead us to our table.

I was about to push my chair when Jayden took the chair and pulled it for me to sit "Why thank you sir" i teased him. "Pleasures all mine milady" i blushed as he smirked at me.

We were checking out the food when the waitress came and said "So..Are you ready to order?" she said smiling.

"Yes" i said as we soon gave her our orders and said "Well be coming right up" and left. Soon me and Jayden were talking about each other  and well i got to know him and let me tell you...he was a bad boy back in his days. Giggles

Soon the waitress came with our food and said "Enjoy" and soon left to take other table.

We ate and chat for a little while before we were done and we had a little argue about who pays the food which Jayden won. Sighs.

Soon it was time for us to head back work. As soon as we entered Adele came running towards me and hugs me. "Woah" i said as i tried to keep my balance. I chuckled and said "Whats wrong Adele?" i said worried.

"I met this handsome guy when you two were on a date" she said as she smirked at us. Okay why me? I changed the subject and asked "And who is this handsome lad?" she soon looked at her fingers and said "His name is Darren"...

"DARREN?!" Jayden said as he looked at Adele with widen eyes. Who is Darren again? Oh right his brother. WAIT! THATS ASSHOLE!

"Adele seriously?! Why him out of all the guys in the world?!" i yelled at her and she just pouted and said "Rosalie i know its crazy but he really is not a bad guy" she said as he played with her hair. Fuck me.

"Adele my brother is basically a man whore or a womanizer" Jayden said as he looked at her. "ITS MY LIFE AND IM A GROWN WOMAN, I KNOW WHAT IM GETTING MYSELF INTO!" she said as she exploded. Crap

I sighed and said "Fine you will have my support and if he hurts you in anyway ill chop his precious little ball out" i said calmy and Jayden shivered. What can i say she may act like my sister but she knows im her mother. Im worse than her.

She squeals and hugs me "Thank you Rosalie ill promise to take care of myself" she said while hugging me, i only could pat her back. I knew she would get hurt, i mean she got hurt once and i wasnt good to be honest. I hated her ex from the minute i laid my eyes on him. He was no good news. And i was right.

"Adele i know my brother and he will hurt you" Jayden said as he hugged Adele. I know that Jayden sees Adele as a little sister. I dont like this idea but if she says that she knows whats she doing so be it.

"I know Jayden dont worry for me, he was so kind to me" she giggled and soon her phone rang "Oh! its him...bye love birds" and she was off. Wait..LOVER BIRDS! I soon blushed at what she said and i glanced at Jayden...he was red as a tomato well i guess im not the only one.

Hours past and it was 7pm i began to head to my locker and take off my shirt off when i heard a loud thud. I jumped and quickly put my tank top on and went to investigate.

I looked around the store and no one was there. Hm must be my imagination. Soon i turned to meet Jayden and i screamed.

"Im sorry Rose, didnt mean to scare you" he said as i was practically on the floor with my heart to my throat.

"You asshole dont scared a girl like that, i couldve have a heart attack" i said as i tried to stand but my legs wiggled and fell again. Great just great.

"Are you alright?" Jayden said with a concern look on his face. Seriously?

"No im just enjoying the coldness of the floor dont mind me while i try to estable myself!" i said to him as he chuckled and i did not expect for him to do this.

He picked me up bridal style, i was trying to process what just happen until i said "Hey what are you doing, let me go" i said with a light blush on my face.

He chuckled and said "No can do, you cant even stand straight" i could only sigh and give in because to be honest i couldnt, he scared the crap out of me.

"Fine but you will take me home" i said with a teasing smile. He smirked and was about to say something when someone spoke.

"Ill take her home" the voice said and i knew who it was. The one and only Chanyeol. Why is it the destiny make him appear out of nowhere?!

"Uhm....Rosalie do you know him?" Jayden said as he still carried me and i was about to speak when he interfiered "Yes she knows me" he said with a grin on his lips. God those lips. Snap out of it Rosalie!

"What makes you say that" i said as he looked at me with those dark brown eyes. Those eyes...No!!!

He soon came close and with a click of a finger i was on Chanyeol's arm. How did we get to this? How!

I tried to wiggled myself out of him again but he was strong so i eventually gave up again, because there was no use.

Jayden looked confused and said "Well ill see you later Rose" he said akwardly. "Yeah see you later" with that he left. Dont goo...

"So...glad to me se huh?" he said with a smirk on his face. I slapped his arm and he groan out of pain. Well i amuse it was pain.

"Why do you always hit me?" he said as he carried me to his car.

"Because you always have that smirk on your stupid face" i snapped and he just smirk like always.

"Well you'll be seeing this handsome face often" he said cheesily. Oh no he didnt.

"Are you flirting with me?" i said as i glared at him.

"Yes i am" he grinned. I sighed and hopped into the car. He soon went to the driver seat and started the car. And started driving.

After a few minutes of silence i broke it off by saying "What do you want Chanyeol" i said as i kept my eyes on the road.

He glanced at me and said " Cant a guy take a beautiful girl to her house?" i blushed furiously when he said beautiful. Damn him and his words.

I just huffed and just looked at the window, soon i was welcomed by darkness and the next thing i knew i was asleep.


Awww that was so sweet of him. I really dont know how channie can be such a gentlemen when he is a playboy.

But who knows maybe Rosalie will fall for him....

Please dont forget to vote and comment your throughts, i would love to read them 😉😉😉😄

See you soon my cupcakes <3


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