Captain Cold

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Big news
I didn't really want what I've been given. I never rely thought about it. Okay, let me just tell you: I'm pregnant. The father of my baby was arrested a week before the doctor confirmed that I was carrying my baby, our baby. He didn't even know.
My brother, Mick Rory, also went to prison. You see, my boyfriend and my brother are partners in crime so they got sent to prison together. Oh yes, my boyfriend is Leonard Snart. He's my secret boyfriend.
I work in S.T.A.R Labs and my team wouldn't approve of me dating the enemy. I couldn't tell Mick about our relationship because I didn't want to ruin theirs. I just kept the relationship private.
I wish I didn't.
I'm 9 months pregnant and everyone at S.T.A.R Labs knows, even Lisa Snart does. They support me but I really need my boyfriend here to help me. This baby is going to arrive any day now and he/she won't have a father at the start.
There was a knock at the door and I didn't want to answer it so I asked Lisa, who was sitting next to me, to go and answer it. She nodded and opened the door. I didn't know who it was until Lisa asked if they were allowed inside.
"Who is it?" I asked, even though I knew it was most likely Snart and Mick.
"My brother and your brother." She said. I knew it.
"Fine, but you have to help to explain." I said. She nodded and let the two boys enter. They stood awkwardly in front of me.
"What the hell?" Mick asked. "Are you pregnant?"
"Yes." I whispered. I was afraid of what he could do. I've seen what happens when Mick gets angry, I hope this doesn't make him angry.
"And the father? Who is he?!" Mick demanded to know. That was one of the things I didn't want to answer so I stayed silent.
"I said: who's the father?!" He yelled.
"Why?" I asked. "You don't need to know."
"Yes I do so I can give him a beating for getting my sister pregnant. Do you know how protective I am over you, y/n?" Mick asked.
"I don't want you to beat the father up." I said.
"I'm going to. Who the hell is this idiot?!" He yelled.
"Snart..." I whispered quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear me. He did. Mick placed between me and Snart before getting out his heat gun from his holster and aiming it at Snart.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. "I don't care if you're over protective of me, I'm fine!"
"You are, Snart won't be." I wished for anything to stop Snart's upcoming death.
As if they had heard me, my water broke and I could feel the baby dropping.
"Mick, don't." I said. Lisa looked at me and whispered.
"Is the baby coming?" She whispered. It must've been obvious that I was in pain. I nodded, barely able to speak.
"Why not?" Mick asked. "He knocked up my only family member left."
"Mick, the baby's coming. She needs Snart now and she has to get to the hospital." Lisa answered for me.
The pair of them just stood there.
"Snart?" I asked. He realised I was in pain and rushed over to my side.
"Yes, babe?" He asked.
"I can feel the baby coming down quickly, I don't think we'll make it to the hospital in time for their arrival." I said. I was in the worst pain imaginable but I didn't show much of it as I'm used to fighting criminals and almost dying when I help the Flash.
"So you want me to deliver it?" Snart asked. I nodded as a contraction hit and it hurt like hell. "Guys, can you help me deliver this baby?" He asked the other two. They nodded in agreement.
"Babe, all you have to do is give one last push and our baby will be in our arms." Snart said. I'd only been pushing for 20 minutes and my baby was almost here.
I gave one final push until I felt a massive relief. My baby was born.
"Oh my God..." Snart said as he wrapped our baby in a towel and laid him on my chest.
"What are you going to name him?" Mick asked.
"Him? How do you know it's a boy?" I asked.
"I saw." He said. I nodded as Snart kissed my forehead before kissing the baby's forehead.
"Can I make a name suggestion?" Lisa asked.
"Go ahead." Snart replied, not taking his eyes off of our newborn baby.
"I was thinking you should name it something that has a 'L' at the beginning of his name." Lisa said. "It can run in the Snart family tradition, what do you say?"
"What a great idea." I said.
"Leo," Snart said.
"Leo?" I asked.
"Yeah, I used to call myself Leo when I was younger. I was cute then so I think he deserves a cute name." Snart replied.
"Lisa, Leonard and Leo Snart." I said.
"Don't forget about you and Mick. You two are part of the family too, you know." Lisa said.
We all smiled and kept our attention to the little baby that Leonard and I created.

Leo Snart; born April 17, 2016. Time: 1:23pm.

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