Jax imagine for Kat

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-Kat's Pov-
The whole team of legends thought it would be a good idea to investigate this murder. No one else was around to witness it besides us so we had to find the murderer.
I didn't protest about the mystery so, as usual, I stayed quiet. My cousin's partner, Mick, was only in for the kill. My cousin, Snart didn't protest and neither did my boyfriend, Jax.
"Come on, babe. Let's fight this badass." He touched my hand to take me but shivered at the cold.
As you can tell from the way I'm acting, I'm a lot like Snart, except I'm quite quiet. I'm a Meta too, I can control animals, it's great.
"Come on, Kat. We've got to go." My older cousin told me and dragged me to the destination.
"Stay quiet, all of you. I have eyes on the killer." Rip whispered. We all crouched behind a large bush, waiting for our signal. Rip took first move by holding his gun out and threatening the guy.
"Now!" Rip yelled. I sighed and pulled the gun from my pocket and we all shot at the murderer. All shots he dodged and other bullets hit him but bounced off of his body.
"He's wearing some sort of bullet proof armour." Ray said as we all backed off slightly.
"Wow, Ray, I never would've guessed." I said sarcastically.
"Don't hide away, our fun is just beginning." The guy said. About 20 people came out from all directions and stood in front of us. Suddenly, I'll felt very over protective of Jax and Firestorm. After all, Jax is sort of weak compared to everyone else and I'd hate to see him get shot, hurt or even killed.
We all fought and shot the opposing team, all the while stay as close as I could to Firestorm. I saw one of the murderer's teammates aim a gun at Jax and I saw his finger get ready to fire, I stood in front of Firestorm and took the bullet for them. I saw Sara take that guy down and the main murderer before assisting me. I couldn't speak as I felt sick, I wanted to tell Jax how much I cared and loved him if this is the end.
"We need to get her back to the ship and into the Medbay." Rip said.
"I've got it." Jax said as he lifted me up and flew me back to the Wave Rider. Everything went back before we reached the ship.
I eventually woke up. I felt pain in my side where I got shot but I noticed I wasn't bleeding. I looked around the room and saw Stein and Jax, not as Firestorm.
"Grey, can you give us a moment?" Jax asked. Stein nodded and exited the room and the doors closed behind him.
"What the hell was that?!" Jax demanded to know.
"I saves your life, Jax. That's it, don't thank me for it." I said the last sentence with sarcasm.
"Baby, you could've died tonight and if you did, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Jax said. "Don't ever do that again; I was so worried I was going to lose you."
"Don't do what again? Get shot or save your life, you didn't make that clear." I joked. He just laughed and kissed my lips before hugging me.
"I love you." He whispered before kissing me again.
"I love you too, Jax." I replied.
"Get some rest now so we can fight some more bad guys without almost dying." He said and kissed me once more before leaving.

(I hope this was okay for you, Kat. If you'd like me to do a part two, please put a comment on this chapter and let me know and tell me what happens. Thanks.)

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