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Merida's P.O.V
I was in the middle of gym when I heard my name being called over the intercom. I sigh and trudge to get changed. And I was just winning dodgeball too! I quickly throw back on my blue green tank and white jeans before walking to Mr. Moon's office.
"You called?" I said upon entering. I was shocked to see the rest of my friends there too. I quickly sat beside Rapunzel on the end and wait to hear what Mr. Moon had to say.
"As you all know our Homecoming games against Full Fear academy are in a month along with the homecoming dance. Rapunzel is your cheer team ready?" He asks her. Rapunzel was the captain of the cheer team.
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. Eugene, Jack, Kristoff, Hiccup, how about football?" They were the teams four best players. Eugene was captain and Jack was next in line for that opportunity. They all nod.
"Elsa, Anna how is the security for the cheer team?" Every year the Fearlings, or football team of Full Fear Academy will kidnap the cheer team and the mascot in attempts to derail the opposing team but they always give them back at the end of the game.
"Never been better." Anna cheekily grinned.
"Okay so as you know two students are required to shoot a flaming arrow into the the pits that are next to each other. It symbolizes strength and provides light. This year I have chosen Merida and Hiccup for that honor." he declares proudly. I can not believe it! This is the biggest honor of the entire homecoming game!
"Go Hic and Mer!" Rapunzel cheers while clapping.
"Thank you so much!" Hiccup and I exclaim at the same time. He smiles kindly at us before he ushers us out of the office. We have he rest of the day off.
"What are y'all gonna do?" I ask everyone.
"Probably go to this spot in the forest and paint a bit. Anyone want to join?" Rapunzel giddily asks.
"Looks like I've booked up my afternoon on a painting lesson with Rap." Eugene chuckles while Merida punches him in the arm.
     "I'm going to practice my Archery." Hiccup says pointing to his bow that was laying down on the table.
     "Me too!" I yell, excited. I don't even hear what the others are gonna do because I am already dragging Hiccup to the stables to get horses.
"Okay so I can go ask if you can borrow a horse if you want because I find the best way to practice is on the back of a horse." I chuckle, this is going to be funny watching Dragon Boy try and ride a horse.
"Actually I have my own. So does Rapunzel so we brought them." Hiccup clears his throat as he approaches a black stallion. The nameplate reads, "Toothless, Owned by Hiccup Haddock."
"Why is he named Toothless?" I question trying to hold back my confused look on my face.
"When I was in seventh grade Rapunzel got a filly to train, she was always naturally gifted with horses and as was I, so I naturally wanted one. When I got to the stables this guy was just a two year old colt. I fell in love with him right away but he head butted me in the face and knocked my two front teeth out. The teeth I have now are fake. It was a rocky relationship at first but we are now inseparable." He smiles while stroking the stallion's ears lovingly. You can see how much they mean to each other.
    "Flynn has a horse too named Maximus. Where is Rapunzel's horse?" I question him.
     "Right over here. Her name is Stardust. When we were little Rapunzel always wanted to see the stars from this certain hill on her birthday when she swore they were the brightest. She would call them the lights. Because of her coloring and Rap's love for the stars she was named Stardust." He says motioning to a dappled grey mare. The dapples were more silver than grey, her mane and tail were shades of Silver,white, and black.
     "Hey there girl." I whisper as I rub under her chin. The mare points her ears forward at first then pins them and attempts to bite me.
     "So sorry Mer! She is always like this unfortunately. She only like Rapunzel and the other horses. It's crazy." He chuckles. I walk away from the mare and approach my black Gypsy Vanner stallion in the stall across from Toothless. 
     "Hiccup, meet Angus, Angus meet Hiccup." I say introducing my horse to my friend.
     "Hey bud." He chuckles rubbing his neck. Angus leans into the touch and relishes the delicate scratchings he receives.
     "You going Bareback?" I ask him as I open the stall door.
    "Unfortunately no, Toothless has a habit of bolting when I don't have stirrups or a saddle. What about you?" He sheepishly grins rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
     "Ain't no other way to ride!" I laugh and vault onto his back.
     "Hey guys!" I hear the bubbly voice of Rapunzel from the gateway with Eugene in tow.
"Hey Rap. Just visited Stardust. She's being her nasty self." Hiccup tells her as the blonde rushed to her horse. She flings open the door and hugs the neck of her mare. I was about to warn her about the mare biting when Stardust lifted her leg and craned her neck to hug her owner.
"You tired of my stupid brother saying bad things about you every day. No body appreciates you do they? Do they?" She exclaims in a baby voice as she hugs her horse. Stardust simply droops her ears and hangs her lips looking sad as she shakes her head. As I look at the pair I realize that Rap must be into English Jumpers. She had on tan breeches and a light purple tank top tucked in completed with black tall boots and a Sam Shields helmet tucked under her arm. I was never into that. I just rode what I wore that day and never wore a helmet even though I probably should. I see that Eugene has on his same tan colored pants, white shirt, blue vest, and rustic riding boots he always wears. Hiccup had on a red riding shirt and black riding pants along with his paddock boots. He too had a helmet hanging on his stall. Wimp.
"So we are going to hit the trails that lead to King Falls wanna come?" I ask them grinning evilly on the inside. Eugene shoots me the look, dang my brother always knows what I plan. King Falls' trails have some of the most difficult jumps along the trail, some reaching four feet tall. Angus and I of course could handle them perfectly but I wanted to know how well Hic and Rap can ride. Rapunzel only shrugs her shoulders and throws a navy saddle pad over Stardust's withers.
     "Sure why not." She says as she gently lays her dark brown saddle over the pad. With expert hands she quickly tightens the girth and slips the bridle over her horse's ear. I turn to see Hiccup already waiting with his horse tacked and helmet on. Eugene just finished adjusting his bridle once the twins lead their horses or of the stable.
     "Mer what are you doing trying to kill them! I know you have your fights with Hiccup but leave Rap out of this." He groans while running his hand through his hair.
     "Relax I just want to test her skills." I shrug and trot out of the barn just in time to see Rap vault onto her mare.
     "Lead the way." She says once Eugene comes out of the barn.
     "With pleasure." I smile widely and urge Angus into a canter. He minute we reach the woods we gallop and I sigh in contentment. I love the feeling of the wind in my curly red locks as I gallop on the back of my horse. I turn and see Rapunzel expertly bent over the crest of her horse's mane to remain aerodynamic and not get sucked off with the wind. I relax my seat telling Angus to go back down to a canter once I see the jump in front of us. It is only 2'6 and does not have width. Easy.
     "Jump ahead!" I call out turning my torso around. I can feel Angus pick his feet up and go over the jump so I turn my head back and lift my hands in the air as we fly. I turn and see Rapunzel go into a crest release as to not catch her horse in the mouth. It seemed automatic for her.
     "You call that a jump?" Hiccup smirks coming next to me. I roll my eyes and continue to canter as I see the 3'9 jump ahead.
     "Nope but that is. Hope you know how to jump." I smirk and lift my hands in the air again as Angus takes off over the fallen tree. He does so perfectly. I turn just in time for Rap to go over the jump perfectly again. Okay now I'm slightly impressed. I tune my focus to the final task in front of me that wasn't there last time I came here. About sixty feet ahead is a fallen tree atop of a boulder. It looks about five feet tall. I better not mess around with this one. I hold onto Angus' thick mane as he takes off. It was a clean jump and I canter a bit before halting and waiting for my friends. I turn to see the boys approach me.
     "Where's Rap?" I ask. They both simultaneously turn around to see her standing at the base of the jump not moving.
     "What are you waiting for! I know you've jumped this height before!" Hiccup shouts.
     "Not on Star! I jumped this on Gunner but never Star!" She shouts back. I look at Eugene who pets his horse Maximus' neck and the horse prances agitatedly.
     "Come on Blondie jump! You have a good horse she will not let you fall!" He shouts to her. I watch her turns and trot away out of sight. I guess she's not going to do it. I am about to follow her back when I hear pounding hooves. I halt and see her come in a well paced canter at the jump. I count the strides before she takes off. Rap bites her lip in concentration as she folds over her horse's neck in a release. They land clean and canter over to us.
     "YEAH THAT'S MY TWIN!" Hic shouts spooking Angus. Angus is a good horse just sensitive to loud noises. He rears up and I fall backwards into the creek. I check for broken bones and sit up pushing my ridiculously long and wet hair out of my eyes  while the boys laugh.
     "This made my day." Eugene laughs as he dries tears of laughter from his eyes. I glare evilly at him and sit up.
     "Are you okay Mer?" Rap asks halting Star in front of me. I nod and jump to my feet to see Hiccup and Eugene still laughing.
"Imagine what coach Mushu would say. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, DISHONOR ON YOUR COW." Hiccup cried out in laughter. I can not help but to laugh too. Coach M was a little delusional. He was our gym teacher and understood every sport except for horses. He often mixed them up with cows and had this big thing about honor. I quickly vault back onto Angus and Race Hic to the falls. I reach there first and begin to climb, desperate to win the race to the top.
"Ah." I wince in pain as the shoulder I fell on earlier pops. I loose my grip and my hand slips from the rock on the cliff.
"Mer!" Hiccup screams as he sees me try and gain my balance again.
"I'm okay! Just give me a moment." I whisper the last part as I begin climbing again. Nothing I can do about it no just have to grin and bear it. I barely beat Hiccup to the top of the mountain and lay on my back.
"Phew that was hard. I haven't climbed like that in ages." He huffs as he lays down next to me. I look up in time to see Eugene help Rapunzel up onto the ledge. They would be a cute couple if I didn't know my brother better than that. He was a player, couldn't settle for more than a week with one girl. But I do knew he had a sensitive side that just the right person could bring out. He opens his satchel and pulls out two easels, paints and two canvases. Rap sets them up and begins to point out certain details to him. I know I was supposed to be the tough girl but I enjoyed classic things as well like picnics and midnight walks. This was perfect for me, a sense of adventure mixed with a tad bit of romance. I sigh contently as I watch an eagle soar over my head. This day was perfect.

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