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A HOLLOW SOUND ECHOED through the building. Finn looked around the room of the statues at the buildings. He took a step through the main doors.

Statues stood tall in front of Finn. He took a step towards the first statue, he saw. The statue in the far back. He glanced over his shoulder to see Danny. She was standing in the doorway. Her eyes were glued on a structure standing in the distance.

The structure looked like a long needle that reached toward the sky. The top of the structure must have fall down years ago. He saw half of a cylinder still standing on the peak of the tower. He remembered the woman talking about the building. He searched around in his head for the name of the structure. He found the name of the structure.

Finn said, "The CN Tower."

Danny looked down at her feet. Finn saw the same look on her face. The same look that the goddess held on her face, every time someone asked her about what happened. She held the same look.

Finn placed his hand on Danny's shoulder. He slipped his hand away from Danny's shoulder. He knew to not ask Danny what she was thinking about.

Finn walked over to the first statue that caught his eyes. He walked between the rows of statues towards the one in the far back. He wondered why this statue was behind the others. He felt a connection to the statue like he was meant to stand in front of him.

He glanced down at his feet. He saw a piece of the roof next to him that collapsed years ago. He wondered how something so old could still be standing.

Finn placed his hands into his pockets. He saw the cracked face standing in front of him. The face of a teenager around his age. He held his hands onto his hips like he was proud to be there.

"Shockwave," Danny said out loud.

Finn looked down at the plate Danny's eyes were locked on. He saw the word, 'shockwave' written in the stone. He looked up at the teenager's face. He wondered what kind of stone the statue was made out of.

He placed his hand up to the statue. He heard a sound of electricity sparking from the platform. Finn's hand reached the face of the teenager. He saw his hand go through the statue. He wondered how he was able to do such a thing.

Danny smiled, "It's a hologram."

She looked over her shoulder at him. Finn saw her gaze from the corner of her eyes. He wondered what another kind of technology the ancient people had.

A rumbling sound echoed through the building. Finn glanced over his shoulder at the front door of the building. He saw a metal door slid out of the side of the wall.

The metal door was thicker than the door that was on the ground. Finn looked back over at the hologram, he thought was a statue. He wondered if the woman knew the statues weren't able to be touched. He looked over his shoulder at Danny. She held a look on her face like she was prepared to run at any moment.

"It's alive," Danny sighed.

She kept her eyes locked on Finn, "We should go."

Finn let out a soft sigh from his lips. He noticed that Danny was not joking, by the tone in her voice. She wanted to leave the building. Finn looked back at the face on the statue. He admired the statue for a few minutes later. He could not believe that he was standing in front of him. He looked around the room.

A few of the statues were beginning to vanish into the platforms below where they stood for hundreds of years. Finn took a step back from the statue of Shockwave. He wondered what the teenager's real name was. He knew that he would never know the answer.

Uncovered (Book one in the Last Resort Series)Where stories live. Discover now