The Bet [Pic of Valerie]

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Hey you! 

I wrote the original about 3 years ago and after re-reading it and cringing so hard at my subpar writing skills, I'm in the process of editing and finishing this (finally hahaha) Hope you love this edited version even more than before <3 

Lena x 

Chapter 1

I stretched out lazily on Trinity's bed, absentmindedly looking out of her balcony window at the clouds. For a split second I saw an armadillo cloud and laughed at myself for even knowing what an armadillo looked like. Trinity, who sat in front of her makeup mirror, put down her mascara and stared at me as if I was demon possessed. She rolled her eyes before shrugging, she knew that was my typical behaviour. "So Val, I was thinking we should go to the Brand tonight, might get some men to bump up our counts a little." I nod, "Yeah sounds like a plan," I mentally skimmed through my outfits trying to decide one I hadn't worn lately. "Wait what's your count at the moment? I'm like pretty sure I'm winning right?" I beamed an over the top smile at her. Trinity rolled her eyes again. "Only by one, and I bet that I'll have more by the end of tonight." I smirk at her, "Yeah, you keep thinking that Tri, but between you and me, we both know that I am the sexier sex bomb." I winked dramatically. This time Trinity was the one to let out a hysterical laugh. "Don't kid yourself Val, you'll just get crushed when you realise the truth." Trinity and I had been friends for the last three years. We went through a lot together, and we were really good at encouraging destructive behaviour in each other - for the sake of therapy. "Really, Trin? Who's winning the count competition at the moment? Hm..?" She continued with her makeup, not answering. After a little while of comfortable silence, she jumped up from her position on her sheepskin rug. "Eureka!" she shouted. Yes, she was a pathetic excuse for a girl, I mean who even uses that word? I myself had never heard of it in my life until she just bellowed it in my ear. The use of the word Eureka only meant one thing. Trinity had an idea.

I let out an exaggerated sigh. "What Trin?" She stared at me, her blue eyes wide and eyebrows up at the top of her head. "Weellll...." she dragged out, "since you're sooo sexy, I mean like no guy could like resist you right? So, I was thinking... what about a bet?" I did not know where she was going with this but I sure as hell I was going to win. "What kind of bet?" I asked "I choose a guy, you fuck him. Simple as that" I burst out into laughter. The loud, hiccuppy kind. "You.. cannot, be ..." I take a deep breath, trying to calm down "fucking serious! I mean face it Trin, I'll win that in a heartbeat!" I had to admit, even for Trin, that was a horrendously stupid idea. I had seduced my English teacher in Year 11 for God's sake! "But Val, don't you worry, I will pick someone so frigid not even you can get in his pants" I scoff at her absurd statement. "Please, Trin, save yourself the trouble, like really? I mean it's so easy, it's not even worth my time!" She gave me determined nod, "Give me Monday and I'll give you your assignment." "Wait, what are we betting?" I couldn't wait till Monday, I loved easy cash. "Hmmm... about $100?"

"No way!" Trinity screeches "Not feeling so confident now eh hun?" I goad

Shooting me a death glare she grudgingly agrees. I squealed with excitement. "Yes! $100 coming my way" I sing in a little made up tune. "We should really get ready for tonight" I say seriously, glancing at the grandfather clock Trin had in her room. It was already 7, and if we planned to get there by nine, we had to get a move on. I roll off the bed and rummage through Trin's closet to find the ideal outfit. Being the sluts we were, both our wardrobes were filled with skimpy tops that bared too much skin and skirts the size of a belt. I pick an outfit out that suits my look tonight then I jumped in the shower and washed my blonde hair. I specially condition my black lowlights to make it extra shiny. I walk out wearing my black lace bra and matching thong and put on the outfit I had laid on Trinity's bed. Trinity is busy doing her hair as I carefully swipe eyeliner and mascara on my eyes. I applied a smidgen of gold eyeshadow to bring out the gold in my green eyes. To match my red corset top I put on bright red lipstick on. Dressed to kill. I pose a bit in the mirror, pursing my lips and sticking out my tits. My amazing figure was inherited from my mum. I didn't like to think about her. I shake my head as if to shake my thoughts away. Trinity comes up behind me in a tight navy blue dress. "Looking good" I nodded a thanks and we set out to hail a cab.

Trinity's fake botoxed mum thought she could buy Trinity's love, hence her abundance in money. A cab halts in front of us before long and we get in, sinking into the plush leather interior. Soon enough, the familiar neon sign comes into view and we hop out. After paying the driver accordingly, we give each other a once over and walk in. I love seeing the guys double take as we slide right past them. This time, their looks once again do not disappoint. I laugh loudly, feeling a sense of freedom, like a burden had been lifted from my chest. We sit down at the bar, and order straight vodka each. I only sip at it, today is my looking after day, and smile as I see Trin down half the glass in one go. "Hey let's dance" I pull her off the stool and we make our way to the dance floor, abandoning our drinks.

The music has a fast beat with heavy bass. I can feel the floor vibrating under my 4 inch stilettos. I lift my hands in the air, close my eyes and sway my hips to the music. I feel someone press close behind me and I whirl around. He was okay looking with black short hair and tan skin. I smile as I bite my lip, my trademark move that guys go crazy for. He leans into my neck and kisses it slowly, his lips brushing gently against my collarbone. I wrap my arms around him and press myself closer gyrating my pelvis to his. I feel him physically react and I give an inwardly grin. Yes, going to go up to 8 tonight. I grab his hand and lead him outside to the alley in the corner of the buildings. I press my lips to his while undoing his belt. "I want you so bad" he says, rubbing my nipples. He pushed me harder against the wall, his lips urgent and hurried on mine. I hike up my skirt and he pushes into me and it's so good. Makes me forget. Makes me innocent. Makes me not guilty.

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