Be My Girlfriend <3 [Pic of Tyler]

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Hurro guys!

Super short filler chappie for you all xox This is written by both of us so ENJOY ;)

Lots and Lots of Loooove

Aliena + Jenn

 Couldn't resist Tyler on the side --->

Valerie POV

I wake up early as usual. I sit up on an unusually squishy bed, and an arm slides off my stomach. With a smile I gaze at the sleeping form of Tyler. He has a small smile on those sexy lips, his face as innocent as a child’s. To be honest, I can’t wait to fuck him; he’d be a great lay. Careful not to wake him I slip out and try to navigate through the big house. I eventually find myself in a bathroom, not the one I had been in yesterday. Hoping it’s alright; I have a quick shower and rinse my mouth with mouthwash not wanting to use one of their toothbrushes. I attempt to get back to his room but I get even more tangled up in this labyrinth, everything an endless maze of hallways. I spot a room that vaguely resembles the one I’m trying to find. I walk in to find a lady sitting in the armchair by the bed, reading. I gasp, my heart thudding. Oh fuck, his mum. Oh god she’s going to hate me. Adults had never treated me with kindness since that day. I’m still wearing his clothes, making it look like we slept together. A niggling thought in my head makes me wish I had.  Oh wait we did sleep together. Well sleep not sleep sleep. She looks at me and smiles warmly. She looks like the female version of Tyler, brown curly hair, soft brown eyes with laugh lines all around her face.

“I presume you are Tyler’s girlfriend?” Her voice is soft, comforting. As I’m about to object I realize that it sound even more skanky. Spending the night with someone that wasn’t even your boyfriend? I nod.

“Wow, he got lucky didn’t he?” she chuckles softly. I blush, this is the first time in years that an adult actually liked me enough to talk to me.  

“Hahaha not really, but thankyou. I was wondering where the laundry room was? And how to get back to his room.” She smiles, it’s identical to Tyler’s and it lights up her face.

“Just keep walking straight and take a left after the third room, it’s a blue door. From there to get to Tyler’s is the opposite of the room 2 down from the laundry” I nod taking this all in.

“Thankyou so much”

“My pleasure, and I hope you join us for breakfast”

“Oh really couldn’t, but thankyou. I hope to see you soon” I duck out of the room and follow her instructions and retrieve my thankfully dried bra and undies. I pull them on but leave Tyler’s clothes on top. No guy has ever given me something of theirs to wear. I liked wearing them. I make it to Tyler’s room. It’s empty. Tyler had obviously woken up already. Unsure of what to do I stand there blankly for a while.

“Hey you” a deep voice sounds from behind me. It makes me laugh and I turn around to see him freshly showered. I smile and wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek.

“Morning” I chirp.

“Urm, about last night..” He starts to say. He looks adorably shy and guilty. Oh god, did he do me while I was asleep? For once in my life, I actually want to remember last night. For me sex isn’t that great. It’s just a spur of the moment thing to fill up blank spaces. But with Tyler, I can imagine how good he’d be, and I want to be sober when we do it.

“Well, you did the right thing last night; I mean how did you even know? You have me all figured out.” He lets out a deep breath in relief but still looks at me with a question in his eyes.

“What?” I ask. He shakes his head. “Come on let’s have breakfast.”

“No.” I pout, pulling him back by his arm, “Not until you tell me.” He raises an eyebrow, slightly amused by my stubbornness. “Tell you what?” He plays dumb. “You were going to ask me something.” I state, not even making it a question. The eyebrow quirks up further. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do, you tell me what you were about to say or I’ll…” I trail off and lean in close, slowly kissing his exposed neck, drinking in his vanilla-y scent. I inch my way up until I’m kissing the side of his mouth. As he turns his head to put his mouth to mine I pull away. “Tell me.” I whisper in his ear.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He blurts out. “Your girlfriend?” The word girlfriend catches on my tongue, feeling foreign as I hear myself say it. He looks at me, his dark eyes giving me a soft, loving look, tender almost. “Yes.” He whispers “My girlfriend.” I blink rapidly, willing the tears that start to form away. I do not cry in front of people. Ever.  If I say no, I’ll probably ruin all my chances with him forever, as in all my money gone and the bet lost, but I can’t, I just can’t say yes. “Urmm, I’ll get back to you on that one” I choke out and rush out the door, blocking out his velvety voice calling my name. I run through the corridors, unaware of where I’m going until I see a door and hurl myself out of it. I cross the immaculate lawns, stomping on the perfectly manicure grass, through the sprinklers getting Tyler’s clothes wet. I stop down the street from his house and try making sense of where I am. I can’t remember exactly which way we came from Starbucks but I have a fairly good guess so I start running in that direction. I see the familiar green sign and my loved Jeep still in the parking lot. That’s when I realize that I had left my car keys at Tyler’s. I also register that I’m only wearing a shirt and boxers. I decide to call Trinity to pick me up when once again, fate decides to piss me off even more and I find that I left my phone there as well. With a huff I enter the café and politely ask a friendly looking business woman if I can use her phone. Trinity arrives in a whirl of anger. “I cannot believe you woke me up at this ungodly hour just to pick you up” She then sees my state and starts to piss herself laughing. “Get in, and tell me everything that happened.” After my story is told, she grins. “So you haven’t fucked him yet. Bingo”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get around to it, I’m his girlfriend now.”

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