Important Note to all you Amazing Readers ;)

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Hey Guys, thanks for all the support, I have nearly 40 votes now, FANFUCKINGTASTIC!!!

Buuuuut, I'm not getting any comments so I have made a NEEEEEW rule!

I'm only going to update a new chappie IF either

- There are 10 comments on the last chappie


- There are 10 votes on the last chappie


There can be both I don't mind at all ;)

So yeah, it's because I have heaps of readers, but I don't feel any connections with you guys D:

So PLEEEEEEASE COMMENT! As soon as my measly requirements are met,

my next chappie (which is all written out btw) will be up and available for all you lovelies

out there to read!

Cyber Hugs and Kisses,

xoxo Love Lena <3

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