The Girl who Broke his Heart

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Hey guys :)

Another chappie for yous :P It's already Chpt 12!!!

This chapter explains EVERRRRYTHING about Valerie's past. Okie doke :) Get reading :D

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xoxo Love Aliena

Chapter 12 (still in Valerie's POV)

She storms over to me, her expression dark and menacing, her squinted eyes fixed on mine. She yanks me up by the wrist and drags me out of the café. We go into an empty classroom and face each other. I brace myself for the inevitable slap. To my surprise there’s none coming. “I can’t fucking believe you’re with someone else already.” She states flatly. I shake my head. “It’s been over a year, Sara, and I got with him just this weekend. Please.” The don’t do this following the please is unspoken yet the weight of it hangs heavily in the air. “Don’t do what?  Should I ignore the fact that you killed my older brother so you can feel better? You selfish bitch, you ruined our lives, Ryan was so in love with you and you dumped him on his ass. Didn’t you know our parents were splitting up then? Didn’t you know that you were the only thing that kept him sane? You just had to be a spiteful whore and break his heart. You drove him to suicide, and despite what it says in the letter he wrote you, IT’S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!” I‘m shuddering now, emotions engulfing me, my breaths are shallow, I can’t get enough air. It feels like someone is pressing my chest down hard, I can’t move, I’m frozen solid. I can faintly hear the slightly panicked voice of Sara. “Valerie? Oh god. Shit. I’m going to get help okay? I’ll be right back.” Red lights flash as his death replays in my mind, crystal clear as if it’s yesterday.

I’m at home, lying in the sun, sipping lemonade out of one of the crazy straws. At that moment, everything is perfect, the sun is licking my legs, warming me to the bone, the lemonade the exact sweetness to my liking and icy cold. My newly bought sunglasses perched on my nose. Just as I decide to get a book from inside, my mum dashes out, her face full of horror. “Valerie… Ryan’s... committed suicide.” She chokes out. I gasp. My head pounding, my heart lurches, I can feel the cold trepidation seeping into each and every one of my veins. I blindly run out, down the street, a corner another one, until I’m at his brown picket fence. The long driveway is packed with police, but they’re not allowed in yet. I tear past them, ignoring the warnings and shouts. I’m in Ryan’s room and he’s there, passed out on the bed and I try convince myself that its fine, he’s just sleeping but even the most vivid imagination can’t get past the fact that he’s pale as a sheet, his chest isn’t moving and his family is by his bed wailing, crying and screaming his name over and over again. His mother spots me and hands me an envelope, one of those plain rectangular white ones, addressed to me in his neat writing. His little sister Sara, the same age as me, turns to me and starts screaming filthy words, claiming that it’s all my fault. Don’t I know it. I take the letter and gap it.

Soon the whole town knows about Ryan and that I’m the girl who broke his heart. I get disgusted looks and snide comment about how I was a bitch/whore/slut/skank etc. and that I had probably moved onto my next victim to kill. My parents can’t deal either. They ship me off to my older sister Verity who lives far away and they themselves move to New Zealand. “I think it’s good for all of us to have a change in scenery.” My mother says before we part. Translation: I can’t believe you’ve humiliated us in front of our friends and now we’re going to run away. “But why can’t I come with you? I need you.” I wail. “At this precise moment in time, I think Verity can relate to you more than us.” Translation: We can’t be fucked dealing with you anymore so we’re going to hand you over to Verity and see if she can handle it. “Fine.” I spit out “Just a warning, I’m never going to forgive you for this. This is when I need you and you’re turning your backs on me, my own parents. When I’m with Verity, I’m not going to call, so don’t expect one, don’t come around to visit because I’m not going to see you. Fuck off. This is the last time you’ll see me.” Verity was amazing. She let me have my pace but still consoled me, and never ever once told me to understand my parents. We both knew they were in the wrong this time. I had transferred to Mandells Weighter High, where I met Trinity and the others. For the safety for the guys, I never dated or even showed my interest even though I’ve crushed on most of them. But after a while of celibacy I craved contact from the other sex sot Trinity and I went into town for one night stands. It worked out for us and now a year and a half later we were still doing and so far, I hadn’t broken any hearts.

Everything is fine I repeat over and over in my head, the memory hurts just as much as the real event and I’m collapsed on the floor clutching the wall beside me. I take deeper, calming breaths and the red lights clear, the pounding fades. I sit still to get myself fully composed then make my way out of the classroom. As I turn to go back into the café, I see Tyler right by the door, his expression dark. This time he really does know. It’s over.

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