Shit has hit the fan!

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Hey my lovlies :)

This another short chapter for ya'll ;)

 Few things have been explained in this one and the next one will have the shit hit the fan news :D

Can't waiiiit :D Thanks for fanning and voting... MORE COMMENTS PLEASE :P

LoVE, Aliena + Jenn

Pic on side of Valerie's overalls (the ones she wants and makes) --->

Yes it is possible because I have made them as well :D

To my bad luck, there is no such hot make out session for the rest of the day, even though we spend the whole day together. Before he leaves, he asks me repetitively if I’ll be okay.

“I’ll be fine.” I say for the seventh time. “Just making sure.” He gives me that loving, smoldering look again before he kisses me on the cheek and drives off. I quickly head to my room and stay up late trying to get an idea for the fashion show. Right before I fall asleep my cell receives a text.


Goodnight beautiful :)

I spend the whole Sunday making a pair of overalls that I saw on the internet that a desperately wanted. I pause for a lot of time to check my phone for texts, not admitting that I hoped they were from Tyler but none came. In the end I text Trinity.

Hey, you have any ideas for the garment yet?

She replies within a millisecond. She always has her phone with her even though she doesn’t particularly like texting.

Yah, going emo all the way babes ;) What bout you?

Trinity’s your typical blonde, perky cheerleader, always happy, full of laughs and a bit ditzy. She has perfect features and a killer sexy smile. But inside she was badly cut up, and now she’s chosen to portray that in the show. I’m jealous of how deep she can go within herself.

Nothing >:(

She then proceeds to send me lists of things I can portray, some of which include: cupcake, sweetness, innocent, etc… All very NOT me. I thank her for her efforts but decline all her offers.

I can’t be bothered texting, call me ;)

As soon as she picks up the phone, she starts blathering on about this guy she banged yesterday.

“I thought it was family time?” I question, trying to get the facts straight. I hear her voice droop a bit. “Mum met her ex when we were in town and she left with him.” I immediately feel bad for bringing it up.

“Aww, I’m so sorry Trinny, you’re mum’s a whore anyway, you don’t need her.” She bursts out into sniffley laughs and we bitch about her mum into the early hours of the morning. Eventually we hang up and I fall asleep.

It’s your entire fault. I hate you. Wish I never met you; wish I didn’t let you ruin me like this. I can’t believe I gave you my all and you just dumped it on the ground. So Valerie this is for you.

The letter is written in his recognizable neat, slanted writing on a piece of crumpled refill. The last word he ever wrote is his name. Ryan. There are little doodles in the margins in his inky blue pen. One of him and me sprawled on the grass, a headdress of daisy chains in my hair. Another of me running away and him trying to reach out to me. Another of him collapsed on the floor. I take that as a hint and sprint around the house, trying to find him but my runs get slower and sluggish until I’m stuck in the ground and the cement in bubbling up and swallowing me little by little, crawling up my legs. I hear the screams of his mother, his father’s Oh my God’s and his sister’s wailing cries. It’s all my fault. All mine. I had caused him this pain, his whole family pain. I couldn’t repeat the mistake again. Tyler starts to walk towards me in the distance, his face that sunshine-y smile of his, he stops at the edge of the quicksand cement. He reaches out to me and is about to take a step. No I try to scream but no words come out and he steps towards me and he’s falling and falling and falling. His face twists in pain and horror and morphs into Ryan’s face then back to Tyler.

I wake up screaming, with tear-filled eyes and drenched in sweat. My heart is pounding and I take deep, calming, yoga breaths to slow my heartbeat down. It’s still dark outside, and when I glance at the glow in the dark hands of my Mickey Mouse alarm clock I realise I’ve only been asleep for 3 hours. With a sigh, knowing that I won’t be able to fall asleep again, I turn on the lights and get out my sketchpad. I sit up, lean against the headboard of my bed and while I’m comfortable and snuggly warm, I think about my ‘inner self.’ After 10 or so minutes I give up and turn on the radio and listen to the same songs be repeated over and over again while doing my homework then reading. I start to get ready at 8:30, and get to school in 20 mins. A stricken looking Trinity rushes over to me as soon as I park, her eyes wide as dinner plates.   

“Valerie, shit has hit the fan!”

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