Preview of the Next Chappie ;)

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Even though I only got 1 comment on my last chappie (other than mine) I decided to upload

just because of   Storybook124  who said please just so nicely I decided to give you guys a little preview of what the next chappie is going to be like... That's why I dedicated it to her :) I need 10 comments or 10 votes before I upload the rest of this loooong chappie. Deal?

Welll, happy reading!

xx Love Lena

He grabs me by the arm and wordlessly leads me to his car in the parking lot. It’s only when we sit down, doors closed that he lets a long deep breath. “What happened Val?” his voice is low, pleading. Fuck it, I’ve probably lost him already, I may as well tell him everything. “I know her. Sara.” He lets out a humorless chuckle. “Yeah, I got that figured.” I shoot him a shut up-when-I’m-talking glance. He gives a slight nod.

“I killed her older brother. Ryan. He’s my ex. When I was 16, back when I was living in Silvesbene, we went out. We were so utterly in love…” He tenses up at that, a little choking sound in the back of his throat. “But then, one day I kind of fell out of love with him. It was just gone. I mean I still loved him… It was just that I wasn’t IN love you know? So I did the logical thing and dumped him. I might’ve not done it the best way. I got my friend to do it and refused to speak to him after because I felt so guilty. And then four months later, he kills himself. And it’s all my fucking fault.”

The warmth of being near Tyler is completely gone. I feel stone-cold, emotionless, dead. He stays silent. A million scenarios race through my head, varying from him throwing me out to driving the car with both of us in it into a wall. I keep my eyes fixed on the tinted front seat window, I can see every scratch on the thin film. His gravelly voice breaks the silence. “I understand why he’d want to though, after what happened. I mean, look at you. You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. If you were to break up with anyone, they’d be severely depressed, but… it’s not enough to send them over the edge. Val, there were others things that triggered it, it’s not just you. It was four months after. A lot of things happen in four months.”

 He tried to soothe me but I wouldn’t let myself be soothed. I didn’t deserve this. Him. “Go away.” I say. “What?” “Go away. I’m not good for you. I’ll just end up breaking your heart. Go.” Instead of doing what I say, he’s coaxing the engine on and we’re driving out of the school grounds.

“You’re not listening to me! I’m not capable of loving. I thought I loved Ryan but I didn’t, I wasn’t in it for the long haul. I’m not the nice girl you think I am!” He ignores all of my protests and drives on. Giving up, I watch the swaying trees slide past us through the window, then admire the perfect brick houses by the road. We pull up at his. He opens my door. “I do have my own hands you know.” I mutter even though that little gesture melts me inside. He grabs my hand as we wind through the endless corridors inside until we’re at his room. “Wait here.” I do as told, snuggling into his impossibly comfortable bed. He comes back from presumably the kitchen, holding two Dunkin Donuts mugs filled with hot chocolate. He gets into bed with me, putting his solid arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

We sip our cocoa in silence, the warm, fuzzy kind of silence. We’re putting our empty cups down by his bedside table when I blurt out my thoughts that should have been hidden. “I really like you.” I had been thinking about how good, how nice he was. He didn’t expect anything from me or want me just because of my body. His answer to my blurted statement is his lips on mine. The heat in this room cascades up as soon as our lips meet, sizzling hot, pure passion. His soft lips pressed up hard against mine, his tongue licking, his teeth nipping. It’s all too much to bear at once, I let myself go, letting out a heartfelt moan.       

I can feel his lips curving up into a smile before responding with a growl. He begs for entrance which I hesitantly give him. I was right to be hesitant as the second his tongue swirls into my mouth, I get a zing shock of electricity, the hot pulsing spreading throughout my body, I need him now. I want him so much, I can’t contain myself.

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