I Need to Get You Out of My System xx

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Hey Guys! I'm back after the incredibly long, boring AWOL :D

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I just had exams, school, I went on a sailing ship boat thing for a 10day voyage and all these other rough things etc.... Buuutenough of boring you about my past couple of weeks, you want to get reading :)

Here's as I promised, Jesse and Trinity :)

ENJOY !!! xx

Love Lena ;)

Trinity’s POV (when Valerie and Tyler were dancing)

I can’t find Jesse; I already looked everywhere, up and down the whole house. He’s not with Cooper and the others, and he’s not with Valerie and Tyler who are dancing up a storm. Where the hell was he? Suspicion niggles within me… maybe he’s with some other girl? The thought wracks my insides up with jealousy, not in that way but because he blew me off for some other chick to bang. Meh, it’s not like I’ve never blown Cooper or Harrison off for a really hot guy… But as much as I try putting it behind me, I still can’t shake off the dejected feeling crushing my insides.

I hang out by the pool, where everyone in jumping into the warm water fully clothed or the drunker ones – completely naked. Half of them are making out and I survey the area for anyone hot. No one even remotely interests me, his hair is too blonde, his eyes not electric bluey enough, too short, not ripped… It takes me a minute to realise I’m comparing all of these probably decent looking guys to Jesse. Shaking my head, I down a beer to try take the edge off. After stealing a couple of sips from… more than few people, I’m a feeling a bit tipsy.  Feeling like a swim and I decide to jump right in, but I stop myself right before the edge and remind myself that this is Valerie’s dress that cost heaps. With deliberate care, I take it off; leaving my bra and thong on underneath then immerse myself in the warm water.

I swim around for a bit before realizing it’s not warm enough for my taste. Whose house was this? It takes me ages to figure out it’s actually Cooper’s. I realise with glee he has a Jacuzzi in his private bathroom and start to make my way there, pulling myself up the pool ladder and grabbing my dress. Jacuzzi… I ignore the countless catcalls and the greetings from everyone and finally make it up to Cooper’s room. I walk into the clean bathroom and start to turn the Jacuzzi on like I have done so many times. Every time we all came to hang out at Cooper’s I’d be in the Jacuzzi – God I loved it so much! The tub itself had a clear blue jelly kind of like liquid within the glass, it made the bubbly water so pretty – like it was blue or something. I stared at the frothing water for ages until I finally had to sense to climb in before it got cold. I lowered myself into the frothy water, letting myself relax completely into the steamy haze.

Jesse’s POV

I stand outside Trinity’s dark house, wondering whether I should ring the doorbell once more or not. We had agreed for me to pick her up here… but where was she? Obviously not home as all the lights were off. Where her parents out? Maybe she’s gone to the party without me. Sighing, I get into my car; she probably had a good reason for blowing me off. I just hope she’s at the party so I can see her.

Cooper has really gone over the top with my ‘birthday bash.’ The rooms are filled with dancing people, hooking up couples, some beer pong set up in corners, the fridge stocked and shitloads of food everywhere. His pool is crowded with swimmers, most of them cringingly naked. I find Brooke and Cooper in a corner, flirting shamelessly, I feel kind of sorry that I butt in. “Hey Brooke.” She mumbles a hi, obviously put out that I had distracted their flirting session. “Hey Coop, thanks for all this man, really.” He laughs loudly, “No problem man, no problem. All you, all you.” It was kind of strange how he repeated bits of his phrases but I guess every person is different when drunk. “Hey, have you seen Trin?”

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