Scrabby Dee Love - I Vote Yes !

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I, Jessyca Zamar, have updated Scrabby Dee Love, Chapter 5 !

I hope you enjoy this chapter (: x

Recap :

“You look nerdy.” I playfully hit him in his arm.

“Thanks a lot, captain obvious.” I said to him with sarcasm. He laughed and pulled me to a side hug.

“I’m just being a good brother I am,” I looked at him with ‘are you kidding me ?’ look. “Hey it’s true,” He laughed. “But you still look beautiful Mabel.” Tay said as he made me blushed.

“Thanks Tay, but for now, piggy back me to my room peasant !” I ordered him. He rolled his eyes.

“Alright, hop on.” I grinned like a little kid.  

I have the best older brother ever !

End Of Recap :

Mabel's P.O.V.

“Where were you yesterday, gurl ?” Marcia interogated me with a lot of question as soon as I stepped in to the school’s building. “What’s with the glasses ?” “You look pale, are you sick ?” I groaned in each of her questions. “Why are you groanning ?”

“Jesus Christ Mar, stop interogating me as if I just killed a human being.” I almost raised my voice at her.

“Well, you should at least text me why you are absent yesterday.” She told me.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t even touch my phone yesterday, hell I didn’t even saw them.” I said in a bitter tone.

“Fine, I’m sorry.” I smiled at my best friend.

“Its okay, and the glasses ? its because I have a minus 5.” She gasped in horror. Then she was calm again.

“Anyway, did you have a fight with your siblings ?” I shook my head. “Liar, now spit it out.”

“alright, alright.” So I told her about Vanessa being really suspicious and that Kane brought her home and I also told her about the fight with Kane and Kate. And well from A till Z.

“oooh.. that’s why, Kate wasn’t all smiley face yesterday, even with her boyfriend.” I sighed. “Vanessa does look suspicious, she even had a cat fight with Pain.” I stared at her, eyes widen.

“About what ?”

“I don’t know, I was there when Pain was pulled back by James. Then I tried to calmed her.” She told me.

“Oh wow,” Was all I said before the school bell rang.

I need to find out what is it about.


Unexpectedly the classes was like a swift. Is like as if the time was running really quick, thank God ! As I was walking toward the cafeteria, “You didn’t forget about me didn’t you ?” That voice, the voice that horrify me the most, Carter’s. I immediately turned my whole body toward him, not wanting any trouble.

“Uh hey, Carter... Of course not.. why would I forget about you.” I told him nervously.

“Oh okay, just to be sure, lets ?” Carter offered a hand, which I didn’t took cause I have a boyfriend !

“yea lets,” I told him then smiled at him. As we were walking to the cafeteria, my waist was being pulled.

“No hi to your boyfriend ?” I rolled my eyes, with an unpleasant fake smile. Which I think Carter notice cause he was chuckling while shaking his head.

“Hellow boyfie.” I said as I kissed his cheek. But he turned in a fast speed and so we were kissing lips to lips in front of Carter.

“Well, I need to go,” I nodded understandingly. “Carter, my man, take care of my girl for me alright ?” I stared at Lance. Carter just nodded before Lance jogged to the other direction.

“Are you not aware of your so called boyfriend attitude ?” Carter suddenly asked. I shrugged.

“I just.. I.. argh... I don’t care anymore okay ?” I yelled that’s when Carter pulled me into a hug in the middle of an empty hallway.

“Shh..shh... its okay, he’ll come around, Mabel.” I was shocked of his sweet self. But I decided to go with the flow.

“Thanks Carter.” I said as we pulled away from each other. That’s where hell broke loose.

Standing right there was all my friends. X, Perii, Charlie, Mar, Pain, and James. Had their eyes wide open. All eyes told a different meaning, X’s anger, Perii’s was just plain mad, Charlie’s betrayal, Mar’s disappointment, Pain’s happiness. Wait what ? Happiness ? Whatever. Then James’ just plain.

“What the hell are you doing with Carter ?” Perii suddenly bursted.

“Lance, his boyfie left her to me, so chill down your tits.” Carter said, I elbowed him. He just rubbed the place where I elbowed him.

“Is he telling the truth, Mabel ?” Charlie asked.

“Y-yea, don’t worry about it guys and I was just about to ask you, if  Carter could join us for lunch, so what do you say ?”

“NO,” The four of them, doesn’t include Pain and James, shouted. While Pain’s answer was, “Yes.”

“Four against one, I guess that’s a no.” Mar said with a smirk.

“I voted yes,” James voice finally was heard.

“I agree with James and Pain,” Carter shouted.

“We didn’t ask for your vote.” X spatted.

“Do I give a shit ? No.” Carter said, I can really see that X was really trying to not shed Carter’s blood.

“I say yes.” I said bluntly. Eh what ? argh whatever.

“I voted for yes also,” Suddenly Flynn’s voice was heard, I turned my head to the back and saw him buttoning his jeans. I smiled.

“Five against four, bitchachos.” Carter said in a tease. Charlie, Perii, X, and Mar just groaned and finally we were in one lunch table, having Mar, Charlie, X, and Perii kept on giving Carter a death glares.

This is just entertaining !

Author's Note :

Just so you guys know... Carter is actually a really funny guy deep down inside. Alright so how do you like this chapter ? I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.. Oh well you know the drill !




Oh wait, one more thing, check out Idrinkorange's story 'Sorry, You Lost Me'


Until Next Time, Scrabbers.

~Jessyca Z (: x Teehee~

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