Scrabby Dee Love - MAD

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Important A/N below, please read, but before that... 


Colton’s P.O.V.

When the ambulance took Taylor and Mabel, I immediately called Flynn.

“Colton ?” Flynn’s voice was heard as if he just finished having a make out session, out of breath.

“Mabel and Taylor got into an accide..” Before I could finished, Flynn cut me out by hanging up on me. I cursed under my breathe. Without hesitation, I drove to the hospital, following the ambulance.


I was waiting for the doctor to go out and give me and Mabel’s parents the information about Mabel and Taylor. Yes, Mabel’s parent was here, they arrived as soon as they got the call from the hospital, I don’t know how the hospital got their number, they just did. The man who crashed into Taylor’s car was dead in place.

5 minutes later, the doctor came out and together, me and Mabel’s parent immediately stood on our feet. “So doctor, how is she ?” I was the first one to asked, while Mr. Darden was looking at me while smiling. Creepy much ?

“She’s fine at the moment,” I cut him off.

“What do you mean at the moment ?” I asked with my face feature hardened. The doctor stepped backward.

“She is still breathing, but we haven’t know what is the head condition right now, its probably that she might have a concussion, she have a brain damage because of the crash.” I just couldn’t take it anymore, I know I wasn’t close or anything, but she was a friend. I nodded and bid a good bye to Mabel’s parent and went to find Flynn.

What kind of brother, especially twin brother that doesn’t care about his twin. I shook my head at the thought of Flynn.

From : Colton. To : Flynn. 10:30 p.m.

Flynn, where are you ? Come to the party tonight !

 I texted him. Few minutes later, Flynn replied.

From : Flynn. To : Colton. 10:33 p.m.

Alright, see ya in a bid, Zack’s house right ?

From : Colton. To : Flynn. 10:34 p.m.

Yerp !

I was utterly mad at Flynn from that text message.


“Yo, Colt, great to see you here bro.” Zack greeted me while fist pumping my clenched fist.

“Same here.” I answered simply. Then Flynn walked in with Vanessa on his arm. This is gonna be great.

I walked toward their direction and greeted Flynn. “Great you could make it, Flynn.” He just nodded. We both bro hugged and Vanessa was gone.

Flynn took a drink while I went to follow Vanessa, but then I lost her in a bunch of crowd. I sighed heavily. So I went back to Flynn but then Flynn was occcupied with Mar.

A girl tried to hit on me but I ignored her and went to find Pain. I spotted her with James. “Pain..” I called out to her. She She hugged me and I hugged her back, I bro-hugged James as well.

“Colt, where’s Mabel ?”

“You didn’t hear ?” Pain and James shook their heads. “Mabel and Taylor got into an accident.” I could see the tears from Pain’s eyes.

“How ?” Was the last thing she asked before dragging both me and James to the hospital. On the car ride there, I told her how I knew and she was sobbing the entire time. “Do Flynn know about this ?” She half-yelled.

“I tried to tell him but he cut me off on the phone.” This time Pain’s from turned to rage face.

“THAT ASSHOLE!” She was punching the car seats. “How about Perii, Marr, Charlie, X, and Lance do they know ?” I shook my head.

“I was hated since the day they saw me with Mabel, why should I talk to them anyway.” I answered, Pain was more calm this time.

“good point, but that doesn't me, that..." She paused for a minute. "THAT BITCH !" me and James and stared at her weirdly. "No, not Marr and Perii, but V."


Author's Note : 

Hello ! I am again very sorry that I didn't update a long chapter. I know I have been saying sorry for a bunch of a lot of time but I guess, I'm not really focusing on my writing. 

Currently, my mom urged me to get my credits higher, because since I started to be focus in here, my test scores was lower that 95% which is a big deal for me right now and I couldn't do my Math because of too much skating practice, that's why I am currently really focusing on my Academic and Sports to make my credits higher. I am really sorry though for the late and really short update, but I really do hope you, Scrabbers understand my situation right now. I am a Senior now so it would be hard for me to update everyday like I used to do. 

Again I really hope you guys understand and forgive me. I know I keep on promising for a long update in previous chapters, but in a situation like this, I don't think I could. 

I really love writing, but again in my school, being a Senior is my time to study hard, especially when I'm planning to graduate this year. Again I'm really am sorry. 


So what do you think about Colton's P.O.V. ? Please do comment your opinion, so that I would know and of course, I always answer them (: 

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Peace out ! 

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