Chapter 9

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Ryan's POV

Damn. I wasn't expecting that. She's hella daring.

But what did 'you don't know what I'm capable of' meant? She was clearly triggered by what I said. Is getting protection from another person that bad?

I sighed, walked back and climbed back into the classroom. For some reason, I sat and thought. I stared at the whiteboard as she consumed my thoughts. God what is she doing to me?

Suddenly, the teacher walked in.

"Ryan Ashford! What is the meaning of this?" She asked.

Oh. Snap.

"Cara really needed to use the toilet, but you locked the door. She had no other choice." I shrugged.

"She's been giving everyone trouble ever since she stepped into this school." The teacher shook her head.

Especially me.

"I'll pay for the damage." I blurted out.

What the fuck. What is wrong with me?!

"Ummm ok. It's quite expensive to replace the glass panel." She replied, slightly shocked.

"It's fine. Just don't give her another week of detention." I replied.

"If you insist. It's 5pm, you're released." She informed me.

I nodded curtly, picked up my bag and left the room.



I texted the gang to meet me at my house and made my way back home.

"Why the sudden meeting?" Connor asked as we entered my house.

"It has something that has got to do with what has been happening lately." I sighed.

"Got any beer?" Nick asked.

"As always. You know where to find it." I told him.

"You've that troubled look." Daniel stated.

"I'm not even sure why I have such strong feeling about this issue."

"Oh, I think I know what you're talking about." Daniel said slyly.

"Here's the beer." Nick announced as he walked into the living room.

"Ok, I'm going to confess, something which I don't usually do. I'm starting to feel something for Cara." I muttered.

"Sorry what was that? We didn't quite catch that." Daniel said, sarcastically cupping his hand around his ear.

I took a deep breath and repeated. " I think, I'm starting to feel something for Cara."

"Ha! I knew it! Pay up boys!" Daniel screamed in victory.

"You bet on whether I was going to fall for Cara or not?" I asked angrily.

"Dude, chill. We knew you were going to. We just wanted to have fun." Malcolm laughed.

"$150 richer, suckers!" Daniel shouted as he punched the air.

All of us rolled out eyes as he snatched his prize from the rest.

"Sit down, idiot. I'm not done talking." I scolded him.

Daniel mimicked me but sat down.

"I might have fallen for her but, there's a problem. A huge one." I said slowly.

"She hates you, and doesn't want anything that has got to do with you. Am I right?" Nick said.

"Yeah. But that's not the only problem. As you know I've never felt this way about any girl before, I don't know how to win her heart. Or whatever it's called." I said, embarrassed.

"Hello. There's a love expert here. Yours truly." Connor pointed at himself.

We stared at him for a good minute before bursting out in laughter.

"You? A love expert? Dude that's the joke of the year!" Nick said in between laughs.

"Connor Lee the love expert!" Malcolm laughed.

"Hey! I've gotten more girls than all of you combined!" Connor exclaimed.

"Ok let's get back to the main topic," I said, "Another thing is, I don't understand what makes me so attracted to me. I mean, she doesn't respect me and worst of all she insults me!"

"Exactly, you're attracted to her because she's not like the others. Something different is always intriguing." Daniel told me.

"How do I get her to like me back. We started on such a bad footing..." I muttered.

"Well, since both of you have two weeks worth of detention together, you can take this opportunity to get closer to her." Connor suggested.


"Hey." I greeted her as I walked into the detention room.

"Sup," She replied. "So what happened after I left?"

She seems fine now...

"The teacher came back to dismiss me. Surprisingly, she fell for the excuse I gave to cover your ass." I told her.

"You covered for me? What did you tell her?" She asked in disbelief.

"I told her that you needed to go to the toilet desperately."

"Lame. You could have said something better." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, that was the first thing that came to mind alright." I raised my hand in surrender.

She shakes her head in amusement and a smile creeped unto her face.

"You seem to be in a better mood." I told her.

"I am. Don't you dare ruin it."
She warned me.

Yes, I know you think him confessing is a little too soon. But. It's for a reason. You'll see.

Short chapter, well, my brain is slowly failing me.


Dude, don't mess with the bad girl (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now