Chapter 20

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Cara's POV

I woke up the next day by a phone call.

"Who the hell is calling me at this hour?" I groaned as I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I said into the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hey CJ." The caller said.

There's only one person who calls me that, and I freaking hate that nickname. Ryan.

"I told you not to call me CJ. You know how much I hate that." I grumbled.

"Yeah yeah. About last night... the ummmmm..." he started out.

"It's fine." I said lazily.

"Would it be alright if I came and picked you up?" He asked.


"You do know that I have my own bike to ride to school right?" I told him.

"I'm outside waiting with my bike." He stated.

"Then there wasn't a point in asking if I wanted to be picked up isn't it?" I asked.

"Just come down." He said.

"Alright, but I'm riding my own bike," I told him. "My brother's calling in sick today. Give me 15 minutes."

He stayed silent for a second before agreeing.

I jumped out of bed, got changed, made two sandwiches and was out the door.

"Jake! I'm off!" I shouted.

"Fucking shut up I'm trying to sleep!" He shouted back.

I rolled my eyes before putting on my gloves and helmet.


"That was fast." Ryan commented.

"Didn't wear makeup," I replied. "Here." I said before tossing him a sandwich.

"Thanks." He said.

"It's bacon, egg and lettuce." I informed him.

We hopped onto our bikes and headed to school.

"I saw the video you sent me." Ryan told me when we hit a red light.

"How was it?" I asked.

"It's very satisfying to watch. Especially since I was the star of it." He said.

I rolled my eyes before punching his arm. And he just laughed.

A few minutes later, we rolled into the school's parking lot and all heads turned.

We parked our bikes and entered the school building.

Students whispered amongst each other as we walked pass. Girls giving me hateful glares and guys looking at Ryan with envious looks. At least that's what it looked like to me.

"I'll see you during lunch." He told me when we reached my locker.

"I'm sitting with Amanda." I stated.

"Tell her that she can join too." Ryan said.

I opened my mouth to protest but he silenced me by kissing my forehead.

"What did you do that?!" I hissed, pulling away.

"Felt like it." He shrugged.

"Mate, we aren't dating, and I'm not a fan of PDA." I said.

"See you later." He told me before walking off.

At the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a pissed Andy. But before I could call out to him, he walked off, disappearing behind a wall.


"So you and Ryan huh?" Daniel asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Finally got together?" He asked. That caused me to choke on my own saliva and I started to cough violently

"Something wrong Miss Jonson?" Mrs Young asked, looking up to stare at me as Daniel tried to contain his laughter.

"Nothing's wrong, I just choked." I told her, desperately trying to get rid of my cough. She peered at me one last time before going back to what she was teaching.

"Bastard! We're just friends." I hissed at him.

"Right," He laughed. "Ryan doesn't think so."

"What?" I hissed.

"For one, he couldn't shut up about your date, saying how nervous he was and how he thought it wasn't going to impress you enough." He said.

That's so sweet. But honestly, that made Ryan sound like a girl who had just discovered what crushes were.

I snorted, "As if he hadn't done it before."

"As a matter of fact, that was his first date ever. He did ask for a little advice from the gang though." Daniel said.

"Well then that's a first for both of us." I told him.

"No way, how have you not gone on a date before this?" He asked astonished.

"I guess the boys back in Australia were too scared to approach me in that way." I shrugged.

"He's one lucky guy." Daniel said.


Class ended and I headed to Biology.

I was busy doodling when all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr Ashford, what brings you here?" Ms Heather asked.

"Mr Crawl kicked me out of his class." He shrugged.

"Mr Ashford, you really need to be serious when it comes to your education. I expect zero distraction coming from you if you are to join my class." She told him.

"Ok." He replied lazily.

"Take a sit." She instructed him. Ryan looked around and smirked at me.

Of all empty seats, of course he had to chose the one beside me. Is there one class where I can seat alone? Apparently the answer is no.

"Fancy seeing you here." He smirked.

"Shut up. I was so content sitting alone and then you came along." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Awww why aren't you happy to see me?" He asked.

"So help me or I will slap you to another realm. Now. Shut. Up." I said, gritting my teeth.

He finally got the signal and kept quiet.


"Alright class, here's the assignment for the weekend. Have a great weekend!" Ms Heather smiled.

"Cara, is there something wrong?" Ryan asked as we walked out the classroom.

"No. I just like some solitude that's all. It's gets annoying when people try to talk to me or glance at me when it happens every single day." I admitted.

"I know how you feel." He told him.

"Of course." I replied monotonously.

We bid out goodbyes and went out separate ways.

History went by quickly, leaving half the school day left. A very eventful and dramatic second half of the day.

Is shit going to go down again? I don't know?

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Hope you have enjoyed this chapter!


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