The fight

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Harry's POV:

"Ron what the hell!" I yelled at him. He had pulled me into an empty class-room and punched me in the stomach.
"What the hell did you do to Ginny?!"

"What do you mean? She was fine when I saw her last!" I looked at Ron angry and clueless. He grabbed me by my collar and clenched his fist against my jaw.
"You broke her heart, badstard!" He spat and gave me a deathly look. He had pushed me too far, I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know how to retaliate but- before I knew it, I had punched his jaw. He lost his balance and fell to the cold, cobble floor, "Ron you know too well why I did that so I don't know why you're acting like such an arse! Just get off my back," I stormed out the room.

I had been walking around the school, furious for half an hour now and I hadn't realised that more and more people were flocking into the halls. I bumped into someone, in the only empty hall in the school, "Watch where you're going, Potter" I recognised the cold voice, I looked up only to be staring into someone's beautiful grey eyes. My cheeks grew red and I looked away trying to hide it, "S-sorry, Malfoy" I stuttered slightly and started to walk away when he had clenched his hand around my wrist, "What's gotten into you Potter, your face is all red and puffy and why is that idiot Weaslette crying?"
It had shocked me that he even bothered to ask, my face turned a deep red and I had turned to face his beautiful, pale face, "If you must know, Ron and myself are no longer talking and I have broken up with Ginny" I yanked my arm away from his small cold hand, he looked like he was holding in a laugh "Leave me be Malfoy, I have no time for your childish games" I sighed and walked away with tears streaming down my cheeks. As I turned the corner I could see that Malfoy was just standing there, his eyes clearly following me.

I carried on walking until I reached a completely empty hall. I slumped against a wall and slid down, until my head was in my knees. I sobbed there, shortly being disturbed by Zabini and Parkinson, "Oi Pansy ain't that Potter" he whispered to her, probably thinking I couldn't hear, I looked up with red eyes. Pansy flinched when she saw how red my eyes were and gave me a piteous glare, "yeah, it is but uh, he's none of our business- let's go" she grabbed his arm and walked away frantically.

Later that night I couldn't sleep, just knowing the fact that I was sleeping in the same room as someone who wanted to strangle me was terrifying. I sat up and felt an ich in the back of my throat, I began to cough, each time they got worse and worse. I heard movement in one of the beds,"Lumos" they whispered, I then saw the angry ginger boy from earlier today, "Bloody hell, Potter, can't you see some of us are trying to sleep?" He gave me a long glare, "if you're going to be so loud do it somewhere else!" He huffed and lay back down, dimming the light emitted from his wand. I furrowed my brows, grabbed my want and glasses and stormed out of the sleeping quarters, I cast the lumos spell on my way down. I exited the common room and into the hall. I walked down to the kitchen and reached for a glass but could not quite reach it, I couldn't do anything without making too much noise so I looked at the glasses thinking of what to do when suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and saw a hand reaching for the glass I had tried to get. I turned around quickly to find my face inches away from the same pale faced boy as earlier in that day, his pink lips formed a smirk and he walked to the sink to fill the glass. I blushed slightly as my eyes followed his slender figure, "Why are you here Potter, you're never down here any other night" I looked at him confused but answered shortly after he had spoken,
"I needed to get a drink," I confirmed, his back still facing me.
"Well why were you just staring at the glasses, is that your idea of drinking?" I flinched and blushed.
"No, I just couldn't reach the glasses they're a bit too high" he chuckled quietly and turned to face me.
"Aww little Potter, sad that he can't get a drink" he teased and took a sip of his drink, I dragged myself along to him, frowning, and snatched the glass out of his hand and drank half of it, he blushed softly then smirked again and nudged my arm out of the way, I looked at him confused and he just smiled. I got slightly weirded out by his stare and soft smile so I placed the glass down and walked quickly back to my dorm, not looking back.


Sorry for such a bad start I didn't really know what to write so I just wrote whatever came to my mind. If you want any other types of stories then feel free to request it and I'll start it as soon as I can, I'll probably go to update this story on Tuesday so in the meantime I can plan the rest of the story so it's not as bad as the start. Thanks for reading!

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