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Ron's POV:

Harry left into the bathroom leaving me and Draco by ourselves, I looked at him and he looked back at me, he knew what I was going to ask. He sighed, "Parkinson got pissed that I was out late shagging Harry and we had an argument, I ended up getting more pissed at her and stormed out" he paused, "thank you. For letting me come in, I didn't know where else to go, I was surprised that you of all people, let me in" I smiled lightly at him, "well as you know, me and Harry haven't been on the best of terms and I feel like shit for blaming him on the break up when." I thought of what to say, "well you know, he's gay. I can't blame him for not wanting my sister anymore" he chuckled and shook his head, "I want to redeem myself to him, make him happy around me again instead of awkward, he's my best friend, gay or straight, Harry Potter or some random person." He smiled again, nodding his head, "I get what you mean, I was honestly scared shitless of what people would think but, everyone's fine with it, except Parkinson, but she's irrelevant at the time being." He stopped as Harry walked back in, with his circular lensed glasses resting on his nose, he smiled at the two of us and walked to his draws.

~Time Skip~ Breakfast

Draco sat with us again at breakfast, everyone had become used to this and asked no more questions, I sat by Hermione and opposite Harry and Draco, Pansy was shooting daggers at Draco and I could tell he could feel it, he looked upset, not smug or up his own. I kicked Harry under the table and motioned towards Draco, he looked and immediately frowned, "Dray, do you wanna go back to the dorms?" He asked, Draco nodded. They stood up and left the hall with Pansy adding commentary to their every move, "oh look, Potter and Malfoy, off for another shag!" Her and her friends squealed a giggled, she commented more things like, "gonna go blow each other?" Or, "gonna make him sore Harry?" I slammed my hands on the table and stood up, "oh my merlin Parkinson, will you just shut up, I'm pretty sure it's only you and your stupid possy that care about your obvious jealousy of Harry and Draco!" she gasps and scrunches up her face and glares at me, " why the bloody hell would I be jealous of them?!" I scoff and point my finger at her, "You kick Draco out of the dorm when he comes back from being with Harry so he has no other choice than to come to the Gryffindor dorms and ask to sleep here, which I gladly say yes to, you call him names and try to get people against him, or against him even more, oh and don't think I didn't see you in potions yesterday, trying to mess up Draco's potion! You, Pansy Parkinson, are ever so jealous of Harry and Draco!" I finish and it looks as if she's on the verge of tears, weak. She huffs and storms out of the hall, shortly followed by her possy, scurrying along like little rats.

Once the doors shut, a roar or cheering and applauding erupts from the other students and some teachers, things could be heard, "well done Ron!" or "yes! You told her! That was amazing!" I smiled and sat down once again by Hermione, who kissed my cheek, "that truly was very impressive Ron" I smiled widely, "thanks 'Mione" I kiss her cheek and carry on eating.


Next update will be next week or the week after. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :))


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