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Draco's POV

I stood there in silence for about thirty seconds before I spoke, "uh.. hi Pansy, what're you doi-" she cut me off with a glare and a scowl, "oh don't you dare Draco, we know you were out with Potter, is your arse hurting? Need to lie down or do you want me to come kiss it better?" I was shocked at her words, she'd never been so cold towards me before, why is she so angry? "What the heck Pansy. Why are you acting like this?" I paused looking her dead in the eyes, "why is it any of your business what me and Harry were doing?" I raise my voice a little, she looks taken back. "Why is it my business what you do? You could get caught Draco! Fooling around with that Potter! You'll be frowned upon! Your stone cold, Slytherin Prince reputation will be at loss, not to mention mine!" She flinched, as did I, "your reputation, I don't see what me getting caught fucking Harry has to do with your reputation. Have you been using me Pansy? Is that the only reason you are my friend. All these years of me thinking I had you by my side, were fake?" She stepped back slightly, averting her gaze elsewhere, she opened her mouth to talk, I cut her off, "never mind, I don't want you ruining my night. Save it for a time when I'm pissed off." I walked to the staircase, "Just know Parkinson, I will not be forgetting this" I walked to my dorm and let out a shaky breath...

Harry's POV

Hermione and Ron were waiting for me in the common room, they had cheeky grins on their faces and I knew they were going to bury me in their questions. I walked over to the couch and slumped down onto it, the shortly followed, "So, Harry. Where were you~?" Hermione's voice was filled with excitement, I chuckled softly and looked at her, "I was uh.. I was with Draco" I said, twiddling my thumbs together, she let out a small squeal and snatched Ron's hand like a proud parent, or over excited fangirl, "what were you doing~?" The serious calm Hermione had been long gone, this Hermione wanted to know every last detail no matter what. I sighed but decided to play along, "I was fucking him senseless" she stared shocked, as did Ron, "bloody hell! I mean, after I came back to my senses from, you know*, I knew you were gay but I thought you'd be a bottom! Especially with Draco!" I laughed at this, I was happy when Ron and I made up, I looked at them both and nodded, "yeah so did I but he looked to small and cute, I had to take him" he looked at me with his mouth gaping wide, he shook his head, "ew, gross, I might need to refresh my memory.." we laughed

-Time skip-

I woke up surrounded by the sweetest warmth I could ever want, I stirred in my position only to find I had a weight across my stomach, I opened my eyes and found a soft platinum haired boy resting his head on my chest, I wondered how he got in, probably Hermione with her late night studying, I kissed his forehead and his eyes fluttered open, he smiled at me and kissed me softly, I racked my fingers through his hair softly and he moaned, I kissed him more passionately as he let my tongue explore his mouth, shortly after a pillow came and impacted with my head, I turned my head to Ron who was fake gagging in his bed, "get a room!" I chuckled, "oh but Ron, I'm in my room" he glared "get a private room then" he smirked and chuckled, I rolled my eyes and pecked Dray on the cheek, getting up and walking into the bathroom.

Chapters are going to be quite short from now on from 500-1000 words. I can't think of what to write atm but when I do I'll make them longer. :)) I'll be updating once a week.
-Alex :))

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