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Harry's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling as if I had been stabbed in the stomach, I winced and clenched my stomach, I woke up Ron and he looked at me with a surprised, pissed and worried look on his face. He just stared at me for what seemed like forever but went to get Hermione once he snapped back into reality, she rushed in followed by Rob and placed her hand onto my forehead, I bit my lip trying to stop any yelps escape my mouth, "Harry what the bloody hell happened to you?!" Ron exclaimed, I looked at him and shook my head and sighed "I don't know Ron, I just woke up and my stomach just started to hurt really badly" Hermione looked at me "Harry, lie down please" I nodded and placed my back against my bed, she then pulled up my pj top and all the colour left her body and her eyes widened and glazed over, Ron looked at her then back at me and his eyes widened "What the hell happened to you?!" His voice and hand trembled as he pointed to the lower half of my torso. I looked down to see a huge crimson gash in my stomach, my heart started pounding into my lungs and I felt myself go cold with fear. Hermione and Ron soon rushed over to me and picked me up Carrying me down to the common room where Fred and George where sitting "Fred, George! Carry Harry down to the hospital wing" Hermione yelled/squealed at them, they both shot up and took my weak body from Ron and Hermione's arms, they raced down behind Fred and George and placed me onto one of the clean white beds. When Madam Pomfrey scurried over she too shared the same look Hermione had given me earlier on, she shooed them all away, "Harry, my boy, do you remember anything? How this happened?" She asked and I shook my head lightly, she sighed but nodded at me "ok, I'll have to put you to sleep but when you wake up, all pain will be gone" she smiled weakly and I nodded. She walked away and soon returned with a needle with a pink substance in it "this will knock you out for a while and you'll wake up later as if nothing happened" I smiled slightly knowing I was in good hands and she injected my arm with the pink substance and I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

Draco's POV:

I had been woken up by loud banging on my door, I sighed and walked over to the door to see Crabe and Goyle looking at me as if they had seen a ghost "what is it, why did you wake me up?! It's Saturday for petes sake" I spat at them, they said nothing, they just grabbed me and dragged me to the common room where I was met by Weasley and Granger, they also looked petrified, this worried me. "W-what.?" I stuttered and the two stood up to talk "Harry's been taken to the hospital wing-" Hermione explained everything but my mind burst with worry and thoughts as my heart sank, oh god, what happened, is he ok?! Who hurt him?! Why is he there?! Is he alive?! I'll kill whoever hurt Harry! Hermione then tapped my shoulder and looked at me worried, I then noticed tears streaming down my cheeks and weak whimpers escaped with each breath I took, "Draco, are you ok?" Hermione said in a soft calming voice, I wiped and dabbed my tears away and nodded slightly, "please take me to him" she nodded and walked off, I quickly followed behind her with Ron by her side. We soon arrived at the hospital wing, "only one person at a time can go in so, you go in and tell us if he's ok" she smiled at me and I nodded, I opened the door and looked around until my eyes hit the raven haired boy unconscious on a bed, topless but with a bandage around his lower torso, I hurried over to him and took the seat next to the bed and tears, yet again, started streaming down my cheeks. I took his hand and intertwined my fingers with his, more thoughts shot into my mind, oh Harry.. please be safe.. please live.. please wake up.. I can't bare to see you like this. I tightened my grip on his hand and looked at his beautiful face, his eyelids flickered a bit and soon opened, he looked around until his eyes landed on me.

Harry's POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around trying to take in my surroundings when my eyes landed on a beautiful white-blonde hairs boy, my green eyes locked with his silver Ines and I smiled weakly, his cheeks were red and puffy, stained with tears, I sat up and went to wipe them away and felt my hand in something warm, I looked down and saw his hand locked with mine, I blushed slightly and smiled again. Draco wiped his tears away, "Hey.." he looked in my eyes and gave a weak smile, "hey" I replied pulling him into a heart warming hug. Tears streamed down his cheeks and dropped onto our hands and he pulled away, my free hand cupped his cheek and he slowly leant in closer, and closer until we were inches from each other. I leant in and kissed him softly yet passionately, he let out a small moan and I blushed, caressing his soft pale cheek. He licked my bottom lip, pleading for entrance and I accepted, he slid his tongue into my mouth, still feeling weak I let him be the dominant one, he ventured every corner of my mouth and I then let out a moan and I felt his lips curve into a smirk, I felt him slowly move down to my neck when we were disturbed by someone clearing their throat. I opened my eyes to see Hermione, Ron, Fred and George standing there, stunned. Ron raised his arm slowly pointing at us "w-w-what the b-bloody hell Harry.." he finally finished and Fred burst into laughter and George moaned in disbelief, shoving his hand into his pocket and giving Fred a handful of bronze knuts- they must have bet on something to do with me and Draco. I looked at Dray and kissed him again and his eyes widened and his face turned crimson.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter- it was fun to write- was any of it obvious or cheesy? If so tell me and I'll try my best to make it better. Anyway- for those of you who are wondering- I haven't updated my Sherlock x reader one shots yet because I haven't had any suggestions and I have no idea what to write- please go suggest some stuff! Thanx all x


P.S: for those who have asked/ wondering, my Instagram is @kucklord feel free to dm me on there or here, I don't mind. Byeeeee xxx !!

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