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Draco's POV:

I woke up and yawned, I felt around the bed hoping to find my love however, I did not succeed in doing so. I opened my eyes slowly, the sleep acting like glue, I rubbed them gently and searched my surroundings for Harry. I was confused to as why he wasn't there, then I remembered, due to the random attack on Harry- Dumbledore had ordered that Harry sleeps in the Griffindore common room again, we had to obey. He was fine that Harry and myself had slept in the same bed, for some reason, but he felt that either of us sleeping in the other house's common room would conduct a problem for the both of us. Although I was disappointed, I wanted him to be safe so he went back to his own room.

I walked into the bathroom and readied myself for the day. After perfecting my hair I walked out to be met by Pansy with her back to me, "what do you want?" She spun round and smiled.

"I have amazing news!" Her smile dimmed but she carried on, "You might not believe me but I know who caused Harry's injury!" I was shocked, she was painfully right tho, I did not believe her, not one bit.

"Oh really now, and whom might that be?" Her smile was quickly erased from her face, she looked at me dead in the eyes.

"You have to promise not to laugh, make any sarcastic comments or roll your eyes, ok?" I just looked at her, bored, "ok?" She repeated slightly louder,

"Yes, yes ok, as you wish, who was it then?" She pondered, inhaled, exhaled and continued to look at me.

"Ginny Weasley" My eyes widened, I stared, confused. She's joking right? I thought she would've at least said something more bealievable. I tutted and walked past her

"Seriously, Parkinson if you want me to believe it wasn't you then be more convincing" I heard her sigh followed by light footsteps

"Draco, I know why you think it's me but trust me for once, one of the girls told me that they hired someone to do it for them, I asked who but they refused to tell me, they thought I would snitch, I convinced them that I wanted in on it and they were dumb enough to believe me and then she told me, this was all last night" she paused and I turned to face her, telling her to carry on, " if you still don't believe me then I can find out when she next plans on doing something and we can sneak out and, uh, spy on her or something. Please Draco! I promise I'm not lying!" I sighed and nodded my head, "fine but if you're lying, Merlin help you, I will make your life hell" I saw her shiver at my words, she nodded and ran off to who knows where...


Wowie, an update, how surprising. Well yeah. I'm gonna try and update as much as I can. I know I've said that like 1000 times but I will actually try this time I promise.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to seeing any comments you have for the book so far. Much love and appreciation to you all. -Alex

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