Talk to me

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A Night Fury and a Deadly Nadder soared across the raging ocean, eyes wide and watchful.
Hiccup sat atop Toothless, closely
followed by Astrid riding Stormfly. Fishing boats had been missing for days so the two decided to investigate. It was a wild, wet and windy day. The sea was choppy and the rain beated down on the dragons and riders like hail.

Hiccup felt terrible.

He felt groggy, sluggish and tried to stay awake, but he felt way to tired. After a few minutes of fighting his eyelids to stay open, he gave in and let them close.

Astrid saw him begin to doze. With a sigh and roll of her eyes, she grinned mischievously and got Stormfly to flick water at Hiccup with her tail.

"Astrid!" Hiccup's eyes snapped open, wiping at his face.

Toothless joined in Astrid and Stormfly's laughter.

"Toothless! Don't laugh, you're above that!"

The dragon snickered and sped up with the two ahead.

"This is the area where the boats keep disappearing" Astrid piped up. "But I don't understand. The boats should be round here, unless they sunk or were attacked by sea dragons. If so, we need to look for any survivors..." 

Hiccup barely heard her, trying to ignore the fact he felt extremely light headed. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. His eyes rolled back, his metal leg slipping of Toothless's tail stirrup. With a groan, he slid off his dragons saddle.

"Hiccup! Stormfly fetch!"

Stormfly and Toothless plunged after the boy. The Nadder shot into the water like a torpedo, grabbing Toothless in her talons.
Astrid snagged Hiccup's arm, pulling him onto her dragon as Stormfly surged back up to the surface.

"Stormfly, Edge, now!" Astrid ordered, shaking the water from her hair.

The dragon squawked instantly, soaring back towards the island home the Dragon Riders had created.

Astrid lay a hand on Hiccup's forehead. He was burning up!

"Hiccup? Hiccup! Talk to me! Please!" The Viking gently slapped the boys face and shook his shoulders.

Astrid's fear for Hiccup increased when he didn't rouse. Toothless purred and crooned loudly, trying to get his rider to wake himself.
Hiccup stayed unresponsive.

"It's okay Hiccup," Astrid whispered. "Everything will be okay."

"Astrid! What happened?" Heather asked as soon as Stormfly landed.

The other riders watched in confusion and concern. Toothless watched anxiously as Astrid got off the Nadder with Hiccup still in her arms.

"I don't know, help me get him to his hut. He's running a fever."

Heather picked up Hiccup's legs and, with Toothless and Astrid's support, managed to lie the Viking on his bed without a problem.

Heather grabbed a bowl of water and a rag, while Astrid fetched a bucket. Toothless stayed by his friend's side the entire time.

"His sickness is bad. I can't bring him round" Heather said once again lightly slapping Hiccup's face.

Toothless came forward and gently huffed at Hiccup before giving the boys face a tender lick, crooning quietly.


The dragons ears flew up at the response. It might have been a hoarse whisper, but he responded

"Well at least we know he's not in a coma" Astrid sighed in relief.

"Hiccup?" Heather asked, pushing a few hairs out of the boy's face.

"Heather? What...happened?" Hiccup asked groggily opening his eyes a fraction.

"You fell off Toothless during the scout, but it's alright, just rest" Astrid told him, keeping her voice quiet.

She was pretty sure he had a headache and didn't want to make it worse. Hiccup did what he was told and his green pupils disappeared behind his eyelids again.

Astrid's concern dipped further. She didn't like seeing Hiccup like this. She hated it. He was always a fighter before he even met Toothless.
But now he looked so weak. Lying in his bed, skin pale instead of the normal tan he had.

Astrid made herself a promise that she was going to help Hiccup through this. No matter the cost. He once saved her from the Scourge of Odin, and she owed him her life.

Hiccup burst a coughing fit, wracking his bony frame. When it subsided, it left him shivering.
Astrid, Heather and Toothless watched in concern as Hiccup's face scrunched up in discomfort.
Astrid thought if they got Fishlegs to identify Hiccup's illness, give him the correct medicine and care, he'd be right as rain in a few days.

How wrong she was.

So! Hiccup is now sick! Astrid, Heather and Toothless all want, and need to take care of their leader. This story will probably be long, so sit tight! How was it in your opinion? Were the riders or dragons out of character? Was the writing hard to understand?
Tell me your thoughts and I will change what needs to be changed.
Have a good one!


Hiccup sickWhere stories live. Discover now