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Thank you to the people who encouraged me to continue writing this. I've had writer's block for ages.

Astrid collided her axe with Heather's. The two were practicing their combat while the others were working on new moves.
The twins were learning how to make a spinning wheel of fire. Fishlegs was being taught by Dagur how to do Berserker style.
And Snotlout was working on making fire balls bigger then before.
They'd been up since the crack of dawn. Training long and hard.
The days to accepting the ransom note drawing closer. Astrid feared she would have no choice but to agree.
She had hope through.

Heather did a back hand spring away from Astrid and whipped round for another attack.
Astrid surged forward, swinging her axe and yelling the Viking war cry.
With a flip over Heather with some help from her weapon, she kicked Heather's blade from her, swung round and swept her off her feet.
She pointed her axe at Heather's throat.
"And that's your head" she proclaimed with a smirk.
"Nice ending" Heather replied as Astrid helped her to her feet.
"Astrid! We've got incoming!" Fishlegs and Dagur suddenly landed from the sky.
"What's incoming? Hunters?" Heather asked.
"Worse" Dagur said.
"Gustave?" Astrid inquired worriedly.
"Even worse" Fishlegs replied with a gulp.
Suddenly Skullcrusher the Rumblehorn landed in the training yard. Breathing heavily.
Stoick the Vast jumped from the reptiles back. He took a glance around before looking straight at Astrid.
"Where's Hiccup?" He asked.

Ha! Cliff hanger! I'm a jerk! Please give me some suggestions. I've nearly run out. Sorry it's so short, I'm really low on inspiration.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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