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Really sorry there's been no updates​ on this story.
I've had writer's block, but I have kicked it to Jupiter.

Astrid urged Stormfly down to the island.
"Okay we all know what to do. Ruff, Tuff, you take the South. Fishlegs, Snotlout, you're covering the East. Heather and I are on the North, while Dagur and Shadow Master are on West."
Dagur was riding Toothless while Shadow Master flew beside them. They had Terror mailed Dagur who had been on a mission for them to get a some supplies. He had arrived a few days ago to help get Hiccup out.
"I'll always do anything to help my brother" he had said. Heather and Dagur had spent many months with the Hunters so they knew where their main camps were.
Astrid and Heather flew over the forest, looking out for any tents.
"There!" Heather exclaimed pointing at a cluster of canvases.
The two female Vikings landed their dragons and got out their axes. They moved forward, ready for attack.
Heather moved the tent flap apart slightly and saw a Hunter in a chair asleep.
Astrid nodded at Stormfly who crept forward, wrapped her tail round the man's ankles, and hoisted him into the air.
The Hunter gave a yell and then​ realised what fix he was in.
"Hi. I'm looking for a one legged Viking called Hiccup Haddock" Astrid said in a friendly way, then put her axe to his throat. Glaring at him and an angry expression on her face.
"Tell me where he is!"
Heather glanced at Windshear with a small shrug.
When Astrid was angry, it's best to do what she wants without question. The Hunter seemed to have figured that out because he said:
"The boy has been taken on Vigo's personal ship. It's heavily armed with net shooters, archers, and dragon proof metal under the wood."
Fear wavered over Astrid's face as she took it in.
"Anything else?" She asked, almost losing her threatening tone.
"Do you want to know his location?"
Astrid and Heather nodded immediately.
The Hunter looked over at a desk and they saw a map.
"Hold him there Stormfly" Astrid muttered going over to the parchment.
Heather followed.
They saw it charted when the fleet of ships would be moving, positions and time.
Heather and Astrid glanced at one another.
"Let em go Stormfly" Astrid ordered and the dragon obeyed.
The Hunter was dropped to the floor and the riders grabbed the map. Getting on their dragons, they took off into the sky.

Heather blew her horn and in a matter of five minutes, the rest of their team met them.
"Find anything?" Fishlegs asked.
"Yes we did. We have a map we need to show you" Heather replied.
"Lets get back to Dragons Edge."

Astrid rolled the map across the table. The others looked at it carefully.
"We have four days before Vigo kills Hiccup. We need to get a move on and work out a plan" Astrid said.
"Heather and I will go Berserker style. We know that busts their dragon proof metal ships" Dagur said.
"Good. But we'll have to do that last. We can't sink the ship with Hiccup still on it" Astrid reasoned.
"Astrid and I are probably the most stealthy. So perhaps if we fly over the ship, drop on to it mast, throw some alright Monstres Nightmare gel to cause a distraction, then run into the hold where they keep Hiccup" Heather suggested.
"We get him out, and then Dagur and Heather can do Berserker style to get us out of there" Astrid nodded.
"What about the rest of us?" Fishlegs asked.
"We need you to stay out of sight until we get off the ship. Then you can do whatever you like to it. Just make sure your out of range from nets and arrows alright?" Heather asked.
"Snotmare can deal with that boat. It'll be nothing but a torch and splinters!" Snotlout boasted.
"For this to succeed, we all need to work together. Hiccup's life depends on us" Astrid told him.
"Then let's put the plan to action!" Tuffnut and Ruffnut said in sync.
"No, we need to practice new moves and sharpen up our dragon riding" Astrid replied.
"They know us well from battle tactics, to dragons. We need to change our strategies. We need to focus on better ways to surprise them."
"Astrid's​ right. If we have any chances of saving Hiccup, we need to be smart about this mission" Fishlegs agreed.
"Then it's settled. Everyone is to meet in the training arena at seven tomorrow morning. We'll work on new moves for ourselves and dragons. For now, get to bed, we have a big day tomorrow team. Good night" Astrid said leaving with Stormfly right behind. 

Suggestions are open and appreciated.
Updates are coming soon!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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