Planning and Pain

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Astrid and Toothless paced the club house back and forth. Deep in thought, and walking aimlessly around the room.
The other Vikings were sitting or standing in the building. Fear, worry, anger, and axienty fueled them to the brim.
"We have to accept" Astrid said finally.
"Astrid, no way" Heather said.
"He's our friend! Our leader! The chiefs son! Do you know what Stoick would do if he learned that Hiccup was being held hostage?! He would get himself and Hiccup killed trying to get him out of there!"
Astrid took a breath before continuing her rant.
"And also! If we even attempt to get Hiccup free, he'll be killed faster then you can blink!"
Everyone swallowed nervously as the female warrior breathed heavily. Get on the wrong side of Astrid, and you can kiss your life goodbye.
"Alright then. We'll have to be really clever about this rescue mission" Fishlegs decided.
"Agreed. We'll all work together on it. Hiccup's life depends on us" Heather said.
Toothless and the other dragons roared to show they were in.

Hiccup woke slowly, and tiredly. He had been on the boat for a while. Maybe a day or two. Occasionally, Hunters had checked in to make sure he was still there. Hiccup personally didn't think there was a point. I mean, he had his wrists tied together, a heavy shackle on his ankle, dragon proof bars, tough wood walls, and he had Tarjinka flu.
Speaking of, the Hunters did give him the medication for it. But not the right amount. It was always to little, but at least it was something.
Hiccup was suffering, dying painfully, and slowly. He kept wondering if he was one day going to beg for the Hunters to kill him.
Hiccup weakly picked up the mug of water beside him that the Hunters had left for him.
Taking a sip, he coughed violently at the horrible taste.
Giving a shuddering, heavy breath, he put the cup down, and hugged himself tightly.
He was half hoping that the his friends would come to his rescue.
He missed them.

Especially Toothless.

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