Bad news

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A few days had passed since Hiccup had fallen ill.

Unfortunately, Hiccup wasn't getting better, on the contrary, he condition had only seemed to worsen.

His fever shot up, coughing fits became more frequent, and sneezing happened twenty four seven. And to make matters worse, Hiccup was hardly ever awake. And when he was, he was hallucinating. Hallucinating about his nightmares.

Speaking of bad dreams, those were the only dreams Hiccup was getting at night. The fever corrupting his mind.

Fishlegs didn't have the slightest idea what Hiccup had caught and it took Heather a full half hour to calm him down.

A week passed of endless suffering for Hiccup. The dragon riders were trying their hardest not to panic, but it was proving difficult.

Even Snotlout, was worried sick about their bedridden leader. He went to get Gothi to examine Hiccup in pure fear. Astrid was supposed to go get the healer from Berk, but she refused to leave Hiccup's side.

Like Stormfly and Heather, Hiccup was a really close friend. She couldn't imagine a world without him in it. Gothi wanted to examine Hiccup alone when she came, but Astrid, Heather and Toothless did put up a fight. They knew there was no point arguing, but that didn't stop them.

The healer told them they could come inside the hut half an hour later. There was a grim expression on her face as she wrote in the dirt what the sickness was.

"Tarjinka flu?" Astrid repeated in confusion. "What's that?"

'Tarjinka a flu is a horrible sickness that, if not dealt to properly in the right amount of time, is fatal' Gothi scratched in the dirt.

"F-Fatal?" Heather repeated with a gulp of fear.

Gothi nodded sadly.

"So you mean Hiccup might...?" Astrid's voice trailed off as she looked over at the sleeping Viking.

Toothless was sitting next to his rider looking heart broken. He loved Hiccup dearly, and to see him like this was torture for the dragon. Astrid's own heart ached at the thought of losing Hiccup.

"You have the right medication though right?" She asked quickly, looking back at Gothi.

'Its all back on Berk. Snotlout will need to take me back their for me to collect my stuff' Gothi drew.

Astrid nodded.

"Thanks Gothi, Heather, can you take her to Snotlout's hut? I...want to stay with Hiccup."

Heather nodded and left the house with Windshear and Gothi close behind.

Astrid sat on her stool beside Hiccup's bed. She hugged her axe and watched the rise and fall of the boys chest. His breathing was raspy, worring the girl even more. Toothless was restless. He was sitting beside his friend, crooning sadly and rubbing his nose on Hiccup's hand.

The boy roused and weakly placed his palm on the dragons nostrils.
Toothless purred softly and lay beside the bed, his head on its wooden boards. His nose still in Hiccup's, slightly shaking hand.

"As...trid" Hiccup rasped hoarsely, opening his eyes slightly. "What....What did Gothi say?"

Astrid didn't know how to respond. How was she supposed to tell him that he was going to die if he wasn't dealt to in time?!

"Hiccup...s-she said that you need medication."

Hiccup nodded before turning his head away from Astrid, and closing his eyelids again.
Astrid looked away, holding back tears. Hiccup meant a lot to her.

She'd be torn apart if he died.

Hiccup sickWhere stories live. Discover now