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Astrid awoke.
She sat up quickly to see Heather groaning and rousing too.
"Heather! Come on, get up!"
Then she remembered.
"Hiccup" she whispered before racing into the Vikings hut.
Toothless was roaring and trying desperately to get up. Astrid saw the arrow in his shoulder.
"Toothless!" Astrid came forward and pulled the arrow from the dragons fleash, earning a shriek of pain.
Heather came in with Windshear and Stormfly in worry.
"We need to give Toothless the antidote" Astrid said.
Stormfly, Windshear and the girls helped the Night Fury to the club house.

A few minutes passed before the other Vikings came running into the building.
"What's going on? Where's Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked. When he saw the dragons and girls depressed faces, he knew immediately.
"We searched his hut, and found this" Astrid said drily, holding out a piece of parchment.
Fishlegs took it and the others read it over his shoulder. 

To the dragon riders
For your information, Hiccup Haddock is now our priznor and we will kill him unless you follow these very simple instructions.
You will stay out of our way and never attack us again.
If you accept these terms by Saturday this week, send us a terror mail. If not, we will kill Hiccup without hesitation.
If you try to rescue Hiccup, we will kill him. If you attempt to attack us, we will kill him.

Signed Vigo.

Hiccup awoke.
"Astrid!" He called softly, but hoarsly.
"Where are you? What's going on?"
He pulled at his wrists to find them tied together.
"What the...?"
Hiccup then realised where he was, and what was going on.
He reconised the wooden cell. He was on a Hunters ship, with his wrists tied tightly with rope, and a shackle and chain attached to the wall.
'Great' he thought bitterly.
'I'm their priznor, of course they would take me when I'm sick!'
He heard footsteps and glared as Vigo came into view.
"Hello, Hiccup. I must say, your capture was realitivly easier then we pictured."
Hiccup's gaze narrowed as Vigo studied him carefully.
"Your illness is very unfortunate for you, but you'll be back on the Edge in a few days time."
"What...What are you talking about?" Hiccup asked before a coughing fit took hold of him.
Vigo waited patiently for Hiccup to finish before answering.
"A ransom note can go a long way Hiccup. Your friends will be arriving very soon."
Hiccup felt himself go cold.
If Vigo had left a ransom note, then of course his friends would accept the terms. Whatever they were. They cared too much about him.
Hiccup blinked tiredly at Vigo, but forced himself to stay awake.
"Rest Hiccup, your not going anywhere" Vigo mused.
Hiccup gave him a death glare before he fell unconscious.
Vigo left without a word.

The dragon riders would definitely come for their leader. He knew them like a book.

I'm sorry for not updating recently, I've had stupid writers block! But just finally got my head around this, and did this part.
This story will probably go on for a while so sit tight!


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